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low blood sugar aka hypoglycemia

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this thing is killing me! i just don't understand why this is happening!!! i am so totally frustrated!!! this started way back in july of last year while on a trip back from seeing my family after not seeing them for eight years.


i started getting extreme hunger pangs and they would not go away even after i ate.


it finally did go away but after i gained about five pounds.


now friday i woke up feeling kinda tired and lazy and i only had one job to go do that day. i ate breakfast then went on my way to work but before i even made it there i had to stop for more food and then while i was on my job i had to leave it and go get more food!


that made three meals i had within four hours!!! since then i have been having to eat every 2-3 hours or i get shaky and weak. today i put on my shorts and that quick in three days they are getting tight!


i am so frustrated and so scared, does this mean i have diabetes? i don't have excess thirst or urination but this uncontrollable hunger is killing me, maybe even literally!!!


i'm really scared! is this the way the rest of my life will be? eating 2-3 hours or feeling weak and unable to do my job?


what can i do? i am calling the clinic tomorrow, but unfortunately i don't have insurance nor do i qualify for it cause i supposedly make too much money, according to them.


i don't know what to do. i don't want to turn into this big fat blob that can't even work and that is where i feel i am heading already! i am not overweight at all, but at this rate i will be within a month! i don't know what to do! i'mreally scared though, i don't want to have diabetes.

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It won't take a lot of money to determine whether you have low blood sugar or diabetes, the symptoms of which are similar.


When you go to the clinic, you should not eat after the midnight before. You may have water. They will be able to take a fasting blood sugar from you to see what your sugar level is. This can give them some idea of whether or not you have diabetes.


You will need a GTT (glucose tolerance test) to see just how your body metabolizes sugar to see if you have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). This test takes about four hours. You drink a milk shake solution and then blood samples are taken at intervals to see if your body properly and timely metabolizes what you drank.


All of these tests are fairly inexpensive and you can work out a payment plan at most clinics if you cannot afford to pay cash. You can also get the tests at a county health facility at no cost.


Don't try to diagnose yourself. Let a competent physician do that. Meanwhile, you can get tons of information on the Internet by using a good search engine and typing any one of the following into the search field: low blood sugar; hypoglycemia; diabetes; glucose tolerance test; diet; fatigue; etc.


To control your problem, no matter, you may have to take some form of insulin if you have diabetes. If others in your family have it, this is a likelihood. If you have low blood sugar, you need to exercise, watch what you eat very carefully and eat smaller meals more often during the day so your blood sugar is stabilized.


Diabetes is a very serious condition if left untreated. Ignoring this disease has very serious consequences.


GET MEDICAL ATTENTION ASAP. If you have to borrow the money, get these tests done!!!

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