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Boyfriend and Social Media flirting

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Ok so here is my issue. I use things like Facebook and Instagram to interact with friends, associates, and family. However i went through my boyfriends phone (we live together) and i notice that on instagram he follows alot of sexual pages and likes their naked pics on instagram and stuff. I basically told him look if you are gonna be on instagram complimenting other peoples half naked pics then i wont tolerate it. Also the other day i noticed he searched a page on facebook and the page is of a person who does nothing but post sexual photos and he sent that person a friend request. Its a big turn off for me and i have spoken to him about this before and his response was ¨i like ass¨ everyone i need advice

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Move out. You simply don't belong together. You're rifling through his phone, invading his privacy and you simply don't trust or respect him.

He as well simply doesn't respect you, given his  flip answer.

This relationship has turned toxic. You're acting like the social media police and he's acting like a horndog.

In the meantime, delete and block him from all your social media and messaging apps. Your people can see his people and what a Bozo you're with.


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