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I broke the code🙄😄

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I figured out, that people chose intentionally who to forgive or to make peace with fast or no.

Like, if they have a argument or a issue like a lover thst cheated, they stay even years with him/her,forgiving time after time,have sex etc.

But if its a issue with anyone else like with a bff,often they take a long to forgive ,even cut the person of the first time that they messup. 

So i say people dont have hard time forgiving,they just pick and chose who to forgive and how fast.


Edited by Pumaza
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People don't owe us forgiveness.  

It was one of the most powerful lessons of my adult life.

There are people running around with the belief that if they're "Sorry", that some how means they deserve forgiveness.

No one owed forgiveness.  Forgiveness is a gift.  It is up to each of us to decide what is "forgivable" and what is not.

Is being cheated on unforgivable?  I would forgive a partner, but that wouldn't change the ending of the relationship.

Forgiveness does not automatically mean second chances.  

Forgiveness does not wipe the slate clean.  It's merely an acceptance to let the pain of a slight go.


As for some people having more problems forgiving than others, that's up to them.

It isn't anyone else's place to judge on a person's decision to forgive.  There are times I have deeply wished to forgive and move forward,

but knew deep down, I simply could not.

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There's double standards everywhere but not everyone is the same. Some people are actually real and walk the talk.

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Yea.  Some people are like that, Like certain friends that put up with a lot from a dude, yet will not give me any room for error. Or judge me way harsher than they would ever date someone they’re dating doing the exact same.  But some things I can barely bother to care about anymore. People are just going to roll that way. so be it. least you figured it out and can call it exactly when you see it. 

Edited by Shortskirtslonglashes
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People follow their emotions, and especially their love level for a person.

The more they love them, the better chance they will forgive and have makeup sex!

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