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Follow the heart or the head?

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Where to start.

I’m a 42 year old single woman.  He’s a 24 year old single man.  He made the moves on me. I should have resisted but I didn’t.  We’ve been in this FWB type arrangement for nearly a year.  He’s opened up my bisexuality when he bought another woman around, then again, and again, and again.  I’ve discovered new sex acts that I’d dare not contemplate previously.  He’s given me the confidence to do these things and opened up my world.  The age gap might be a problem if and when he ever wants kids but until that point I figured I’d enjoy the ride.  The problem?  He’s my best friends son.  I know I crossed a boundary.  I’ve promised myself I’d call it off a few times.  I’ve spoken to him about it, he says he’s an adult and can make up his own mind.  My best friend knows I’m seeing a younger man.  She knows about the other women.  She eager to meet him.  She says I’ve changed and I seem so much happier.  It’s true, I am. 

How do I deal with this?  Do I tell her and risk losing her, I don’t believe she would take it well.  Do I call it off with him, not what I want but would really solve some problems, and it’s not like we can stay together long term because he will want a family one day.  I guess this is a fight between my head and my heart. 

Any advice / opinions?

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The longer you keep the secret from your best friend the harder it will be to come clean.  She'll probably be mad for a while but hopefully she will come around.  Problem is you overshared about the sex & she won't want to be confronted with her little boy's adult behaviors & wild proclivities. 

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If you care about saving the friendship with your best friend then you stop seeing this guy immediately.  He's not the only guy in the world.  You can find someone else to hook up with and have a FWB thing with.  

What would a 24 year old guy want with a 42 year old woman anyway?  And his mom's best friend, no less?  He must have issues.  Or maybe it's the "forbidden" thing that turns him on.  In any case, this isn't healthy.  

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I would let him go and preserve my friendship.  She is going to feel deceived and completely disrespected when she finds out.  I don't have a problem with you being 42 and wanting some fun with a young guy but not your best friend's son.  You should have more control over yourself than that at 42.  Just let him go and continue exploring your bisexuality if you like.

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The truth will always come out. And for sure if you are in same city or where people know both of you.

You done something big that freinds dont do. Even if it was the son who chased you,You entertained him till the end! And since he is so young and her blood, she will much more see you as the bigger bad one!

What i read is you are stuck in some lust sex new stuff. Since you have him as fwb and exited for new sex stuff.

Why risk it all for lust.You already messed up, atleast u can do is come clean. Lie or keep it a secret much longer only gonna highlight that you are a bad freind.

And dont know....even if it wasnt her son,why would u be with a 24 years old? Rather you want or no u may get pregnant of him.Since sex can get you that! He a "kid" what can he help you with, and you will make him lose his youth dealing with a baby and a old lady. 

A true freind act would be you telling her day one that her son tried to even wink at you! The fact that you kept it a secret and went in on it, also keeping it a secret ....is alot of redflags.


Free yourself. Be honest tell her! More days pass the harder it will be for her also to hear that this been going on 1, 2...10 years.....😳😳😳😭

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