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Change jobs for him.

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Vent/advice please

Live 1hr apart, Dating a yr.  I changed to a much better job, one reason it was 1/2 closer way to where he live's ,he didn't ask me too he seemed fine just coming to my town house mostly ever weekend, or I go to his place but mostly my place I live alone , he lives with a family member , I also went to second shift to match his work times so ...

1: I am closer 

2: if we wanted to get together at best one night a week I was off work same time

Now he's decided for no reason other than convenient, he work 2 hrs overtime everyday this is an options always ava. where he works but a week after I start my match hrs. so he now doesn't get off work @ 11:30 pm like me it 1:30AM. Therefore we cant see ea other at all during the week.

Nothing changed on his life in fiances I truly feel he choose to do so, So its a escape goat to now see me during the week.  

I made it clearly in a nice way that it bothers me I want to leave the options open to see one another if poss. an he's upset an says I told you dont make that decisions of job an hr changes because of me....


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It sounds like he is freaked out by the fact that you changed jobs to be closer to him and to spend more time with him.  Deep down that wasn't something that he wanted.  You say that when you changed jobs, he didn't ask you to.  You just went ahead and did it.  Now he has started working more as an excuse to see you less.  I think that you and him are not on the same page about this relationship.

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Thank you Shy!

Yes likely, Note my new jobs same area as last job an I needed a much better job I just felt it was a good choice an brought forth more options for us if poss., but yes I sense its going down the tubes, he pushing me away an I will give him space now an let it be, It just a bit depressing to see for fact what you kinda knew play out before you.



Edited by Roundwego
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Hopefully, the good news is that you like this new job, regardless of how the relationship plays out. If I were you, I would back off a bit, give him the space that he obviously needs, and explore other options for yourself. This time, the new job may have worked in your favor, but I have always told my daughters - never make a decision about your life based on a guy you're just seeing. If you're married, that's a different story, but I've seen too many women (including myself) make decisions based on someone they were seeing and miss out on a great opportunity (like studying abroad), because they didn't want to miss their boyfriend. Live YOUR best life and if he wants to fit into your life, he should make it known, but make sure it is on your terms. 

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