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Girl a or Girl b

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On one side there is a girl who I have dated for 2 years now, while on the other is a girl whom I had dated off and on for the two years prior. I care for each, yet they are complete opposites. I have been really depressed while with my present girlfriend, yet I spent the weekend with girl b and had a blast. I wouldn't feel right in seeing girl b in a more intimate setting until a decision can be made, of which to be with. I still have feelings for girl a, yet I also have feelings that we may not belong together. So after spending a lovely weekend with girl b should I dissolve a 2 year relationship, and chase something that may be a passing feeling. That is my question today, at least.

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Sierra Sugar

Do you remember what is was like when you first got together with girl a. Do you feel the same way. I think that you are only seeing the good things about girl b and maybe only the negative aspects of girl a. I think you should try and thing about all the positive and negative things and see which balance out. But if you don't know girl b enough you may have dumped a great girl for a not so great one cause you only saw what was on the outside.

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Two years should be long enough to know if you want to continue an exclusive relationship with someone. You apparently are still not sure if she is someone you want to commit yourself to in a long term relationship. At some point you will have to make that decision. Maybe that time has come.


Don't try to blame your depressed feelings on your current girlfriend. It's not her fault you are feeling depressed. Try to discover what is the real reason you are feeling depressed.


Don't disrespect girl "a" by seeing girl "b" behind her back. No matter how innocent you make it out to be, you know there are other feelings rumbling around inside of you. If you want the liberty to see other people, girl "a" deserves to know that is how you feel. Unfortunately for her, it will then be up to girl "a" to decide how to handle the situation.

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