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torn between two loves

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since i've moved to this state about four

years ago, i often think of returning home from whence i came. but i met a guy and i like him alot and we have been together for almost the same amount of time that i have been out here. but i am finding it hard to feel fully commited to him when at times my mind leaves and goes back home and i want to follow it. most of the time when i feel like leaving is when we may get in an arguement or disagreement, but that is not very often. my heart breaks thinking about leaving him for home and i wonder if when i get home will i be sorry i left him or happy to be back? i can't seem to find answers for this deliema i'm in, i only know that it is driving me crazy and making it impossible to be happy in one place. what can i do? any ideas? has anyone gone through this before? any adivce would be really appreciated, and thank you so very much.
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