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How'd I Ever Come This Far

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My oh my how times have changed. For the past two years or so I was a mess. I was desperate for attention from different women, I had no self-esteem, I had no dating experience, other than lowly dates with women who had low self-esteem or little interest in me and I was a virgin, which killed me on the inside. I also had no friends or social life. I hated myself, I hated my life, I was angry that other people had what I didn't. Then something changed. Early during Covid, I started working on myself. I focused on my career, I started my own business making extra money. I began to like myself more and more. I didn't feel like I needed a girlfriend to be happy. I didn't feel like my life depended on it. I broke up with my ex in July and I didn't take it hard at all. I understood it was over and I moved on in a dignified manner. In the past I would've been broken but I picked myself up and dusted myself off. I know there will be other women, even if it isn't right now. I still have my career, my business and my family. I learned there is more to life than a girlfriend. I just want to share my story and maybe I can help others who are struggling. Feel free to read my old posts and you'll see the different perspective I had and how broken I was.

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Yes its all about building confidence, small boosts here and there and you realise things not so bad after all,

taking a chance or two is important, such as in your case starting a business,

have to try something- put oneself out there and do a few positives things every day.

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