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Time Warp

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Today is June 18.


Is there anybody out there who feels like June 1 was just a few days ago? Is time going as fast for other people as it is for me? What causes this?


Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm going nuts.

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Hi Tony.


How odd; I was just thinking the same thing... Our lead news story in St. Louis this morning was an announcement about our Fair St. Louis - - the 4th of July celebration. Wow - - can't believe how fast this year is going either!


I heard an explanation once - - that time passes more quickly as we age because we have more thoughts and more duties that pass the time. Rather like living the past, present, and future all at once. Then, as kids, that would mean time goes more slowly because all we have on our minds is right now, this moment. Ahhhh, I don't know.


But anyway... it was a year ago today that I first signed onto the loveshack with my question about men and sex vs. lovemaking. You and billy the kid were my first and best responders. Thank you for the part you played in my life this past year.


By the way, billy is still with me here in St. Louis. I woke in his gentle arms this morning. I'm amazed at all that can happen in a year!


Even though so quick in passing, I hope the days are kind to you.



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Time does seem to fly by these days. It will be Christmas next week.


I don't want to get into a philosophical discussion on the origin or evolution of our universe, but Carl Sagan once put it this way....If the entire history of our universe where put on the scale of one year, all of known human history would occupy only a fraction of the last second of the last day of the year.


I explain it this way...


When I was one second old the next second was a long time in comparison to the amount of time I had already lived...I doubled my life span in just one second!


When I was one minute old the next second didn't seem that long, but the next minute was a long time. Again, I doubled my life span in just one minute!


etc., etc., etc.


Fast forward twenty, thirty or forty years. By the time we become adults seconds fly by without notice as do minutes and hours. Even days can go by without significant notice. Every second, minute, hour, day and year that passes becomes a little less significant, time-wise, than it did before.


When this day is done it will not seem like much. It will have only been .0068% of the time I have lived on this Earth. And after this week is gone it will have only occupied .0476% of my accumulated history. A MERE DROP IN THE BUCKET!


Although seconds and minutes are miniscule in comparison to months and years, each and every one of them is as important as we make them. They are each a gift. We do not know how many more of them we will be given. Use your time wisely.

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hi tony,


it feels like only yesterday that i dressed up for my year 12 formal - it was 7 years ago! i think i'm stuck in my own time warp, yet at the same time, there is some big cosmic joke happening.


i'm with you there....the years seem to be going faster than ever, but maybe that's because we're all so busy and have so much on our minds that we don't have a spare moment to feel as though time is going slow....although, you could be going nuts!! :)

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