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Sick love 'web' between friends...

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I'll try to make this as brief as possible, seems like a unique situation to me, but I'm sure you've all heard it before.


I'm a senior in high school (male). I have a female friend (also a senior, we'll call her Ashley) who I met through mutual acquaintance this past summer, she hung out with my group of guy friends all summer long. The guy who invited her to hang with us (call him Dan) did so about a week or so after asking her out and getting shot down, I thought for a while that he was 'over' her, turns out I was wrong. But I'll get to that in a minute.


As we discovered later, she kept hanging with us the whole time because she was interested in one of the other guys (just so happened Dan's brother, Chris). Once Chris discovered her feelings for him, he asked her out, but they only went out for about a week when she broke it off because she was 'confused about what she wanted.' Chris took it well, honestly telling her that she was more important as a friend to him, so they're still on good terms.


That was several months ago, and in the meantime I found myself becoming increasingly attracted to her. Everything was going well, and there was nothing standing in the way of me asking her out, but then another one of our friends (Mike, who, surprisingly enough, ALSO dated Ashley for about a week (they went to prom together, but nothing happened b/n them)) came back into town. He had just broken up with his fiance, and he spent the second night he was back in town with Ashley, doing everything one could imagine that entailing.


To her, their relations that night meant nothing at all, scratching an itch if you will. I found out later that they meant significantly more to Mike, who claimed there were only two people in the world he could see himself spending the rest of his life with (Ashley and his ex-fiance). To make the situation worse, at a party the following week, Dan approached Ashley and kissed her, I now know that he has been obsessing over her for almost a year, as Mike had for about six months prior (throughout his relationship with his ex).


Just recently Ashley cut off all contact with the rest of my 'posse.' They've all graduated high school, so I'm the only one who sees regularly now. She says she needs some time to sort out the whole situation (understandably, she's had two friends profess their undying "love" for her within a week). I get the impression that she may still be attracted to Chris, as well.


I honestly do not know what I should do in a situation like this. I'm frustrated that I probably will not have an opportunity to pursue my interests in this girl (she's a wonderful person), and frankly I'm angry at some of my friends for being so unfair to her.


Sorry this was so long, don't think I could have shortened it much without losing a good portion of the meaning. Suggestions would be appreciated, I don't know where else to turn.

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It doesn't sound like anyone was unfair to her, they were just honest with her about their feelings. They ALL stayed on good terms with her which is just unbelievable.


This girl has had a lot of emotional turmoil in her romantic life recently and she's only 17. She's going to need time to sort things out and level out her emotions again.


If you are capable of just being friends with her then remain friends. If you're not capable then you need to let her know your feelings and know that there may be consequences and you may lose her altogether.


Hope that helped.

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