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I love him, but does he love me?

Bethany Boeckermann

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Bethany Boeckermann

Josh and I have been going out for nine and a half months. I am going to school in two days . Last night I talked to one of our good friends, Scott and he told me that Josh said he is unsure if he wants to continue a relationship with me. I have never cheated or lied or anything. I have been in love many times befor but this time is not the same. I feel like when I am with Josh that my smile is brighter and my laugh is wholer i seriously can't imagin living without him. We are only 19 and all but, our relationship is serious we made love for the first time on june 3 and he tells me how much he loves me and yet he tells our friend Scott he doesn't know if it will work. I don't want to lose him b/c I love him so much and all. We have been friends since the seventh grade and now are lovers. So can someone please help me asap b/c if it needs to be over I want to get it done with before i leave for college. Am I setting myself up for a broken heart b/c i love him so deeply? What should I do?

Please help. thanks

Love and Friendship,


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He may be concerned about maintaining the relationship at a long distance. I don't know what the situation will be in terms of geography, but it is a legitimate worry. If this love is so deep, then you should be able to talk to him about how you both feel. Obviously this situation is going to change the relationship no matter what. I think it is important to let him know your worries and try to find out where he is coming from instead of relying on hearsay and simply what we can provide based on the information you gave. Don't make the conversation an accusation, but rather an exploration.

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Josh and I have been going out for nine and a half months. I am going to school in two days . Last night I talked to one of our good friends, Scott and he told me that Josh said he is unsure if he wants to continue a relationship with me. I have never cheated or lied or anything. I have been in love many times befor but this time is not the same. I feel like when I am with Josh that my smile is brighter and my laugh is wholer i seriously can't imagin living without him. We are only 19 and all but, our relationship is serious we made love for the first time on june 3 and he tells me how much he loves me and yet he tells our friend Scott he doesn't know if it will work. I don't want to lose him b/c I love him so much and all. We have been friends since the seventh grade and now are lovers. So can someone please help me asap b/c if it needs to be over I want to get it done with before i leave for college. Am I setting myself up for a broken heart b/c i love him so deeply? What should I do?


Please help. thanks


Love and Friendship,




What you need to do is sit and have a serious conversation with josh and no body else. I know what it is to love someone that does not love you back and vice versa. Don't let yourself go crazy wondering. You can't carry out a relationship if it is only you working for it. Unfortunately it might hurt but it is for the best. Did you ever here if you love someone set them free they'll come back if it's meant to be? I believe this to be very true. I was with my boyfriend for about seven months before we broke up and I was very much in the same place as you. When we broke it off I found myself to be much stronger. I began to date someone else and so did my ex. To make a long story short we are back together and stronger than ever and have never been more in love. He is my best friend and my whole world. I'm not going to lie we have had some large obstacles to overcome but in the end we know now that we belong together. Not everyone has a happy ending and you never know what will happen in the future but remember everything happens for a reason. You do not need to sit and worry while josh does his own thing. Let him discover himself you are both still young if you belong together it will happen. In the mean time my advice to you would be to be straight tell him how you feel and what is on your mind and allow him to do the same it may hurt but in time you will heal or maybe things will take a turn for the best. Give it a try and be strong. I wish you the best of luck and hope that whatever happens happiness will follow.

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What you need to do is talk to him. Tell him how you feel. Ask him what he thinks of the relationship and where it's going. There's no point of staying in a relationship if one of you are unhappy.

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