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How do You Transition from Self Awareness to Making a Change

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Hello ♥️


   During the past two years I have really dived into to feelings, thoughts, and becoming more self aware. I've learned a lot about myself but I still struggle with making significant changes as some "old habits" are hard to get away from. I will say I do believe I have improved a little on follow through but that's really it.

Any suggestions or thoughts on how to move from being aware to making a change? Thanks!

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You take a small step. 

For example I know I gained weight during Covid.  Between the stress baking & drinking too much I packed on the pounds.  So I got out my fitbit, filled the house full of fruit & did Dry January to cut down on the booze.  You have to take action no matter the goal. 

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Baby steps. But TBH, I’ve always accomplish things better spurts of large leaps 

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You have to take action like donnivan said. You can analyze it to death, but, in the end, you have to make a change. At some point, it doesn't really matter how self-aware you are if you don't take action. 

I would set a reasonable, time specific goal. Example: no soda for 30 days. 

Edited by BC1980
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If you have read books about the habits you want to change you can read them again. You will notice that you will get more information than the first time. I got a coach, two pairs of eyes see more than one and to pairs of brains know more than one.

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Change is hard.  But if you think about it, often you change because you had to do something you did not want to.  That is why we get challenged at school.

Think of it in terms of a circle of comfort.  We naturally want to stay within our circle of comfort, why? Well because it is easy and comfortable.  But by staying there our circle stays the same, we stay the same.  
You have to push yourself outside your circle of comfort in order for the circle to expand and thus you grow.  You have to push yourself into situations or do things that you may not want to do.  

For me I spend a lot of time thinking about the bad and good in life.  The lessons we get from life are some of the best growing opportunities but you have to learn to see the lesson and appreciate them... good or bad.

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