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Why are women weird?????


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i actually feel better already.....i hit a bump in the road once and a while but i'm not talking to her ever again. she needs to make up her mind and i'm not going to be there to help her decide. in the mean time i'm out on the prowl.....like i said eariler she knows where to find me if she wants to get back together. if she doesn't she can lick my italian balls:lmao:

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She's 21 man. Have you not heard of the 7 year itch? No, it's not a long-term rash, it's a term used to describe a woman's growth. My mother told me about this when I was 12 years old and I have witnessed it many many times. Every 7 years a woman goes through a major mental and emotional change. Of course this is labeled "An old wives' tale" but check this out:

My parents were together 14 years before getting divorced. She was 28.

My first love was 14 when we got together and she left literally 3 days before her 21st b-day.

My g/f of 2 1/2 years just broke up with me yesterday - she moved to Spain 2months ago - right after turning 21.

My friend is going through divorce after a 4-year marriage - she's 28.

My new neighbors (well since July) were just married before moving in - she's 28.


So ya see, I've witnessed this crazy occurance quite a few times and truly believe that you're dealing with it right now. So from now on you know to stay away from a relationship with a girl if she's going to be turning 21, 28 or so on.


Has anybody else heard of this? Witnessed it?

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With NC, you give her the gift of missing you.


What I did in my circumstances, I instituted NC, immediately.

I started creating a new life, without her.

I started to meet and date other people.

While I was doing this, some mutual friends saw me out dating.

It would be good if she knew that, too.


There a gazillion people out there, meet one.

Whenever she calls, be busy, walking out the door or something.

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how about she calls me and i totally ignore her? that's what i'm sticking too. f*** that $hit about her calling me and telling her i'm busy or something. no way. i won't even give her the benifit of the doubt. i know i'm a good person who is funny and i like to eat wings. did i mention chicks dig me too..... she doesn't get that anymore. and i'm not sure if i would ever give that to her again. it's over and done with and i'm moving on. some other girls get to know me better now. in the long run i'm the winner either way i look at it. besides all she does is hang around the bars and talk to guys there. chances are she'll pick up a real winner and realized that she f***ed up. and i'm going to tell her congrats! go eat a dick.

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haha :)


Seriously though, the anger will pass. It will come back again, but it will pass.


EDIT : You know we should really make a public group for people with this type of problem ..

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the anger has long passed. no i just don't give a f*** anymore because it has been 3.5 months and she still trys to call and i just ignore it and she sends me e-mail and text messages and i ignore them too. the only time i might pick up - if i ever do - is when i'm in the middle of talking to girls or having a threesome or some kind of german schizer porn. that will teach her. :bunny:

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