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Should I cancel a trip with my friends to accompany my bf?


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The distance is only making a bad situation worse.  No I don't think he wants to sleep with another woman to get revenge on you.  You do fear that though, which means neither of you trust each other.  

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4 hours ago, d0nnivain said:

La distancia solo está empeorando una mala situación. No, no creo que quiera acostarse con otra mujer para vengarse de ti. Sin embargo, sí le temes a eso, lo que significa que ninguno de los dos confía en el otro.  

we have a lot to do considering that he does not trust me and I have doubts

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How long have you been dating? Is this a distance relationship? 

How old is he? Why are you worried that he may cheat?

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11 hours ago, Vcontrerasi said:

we have a lot to do considering that he does not trust me and I have doubts

Of course he doesn't trust you.  You kissed another boy & you are considering going on vacation with friends rather than him.  

Your doubts are telling you this isn't working.  That is why you want to go with your friends.  You know that trip will make you happy while chasing after him trying to saving a failing relationship is making you nutty.  Just be done.  Listen to yourself.  Your doubts are telling you to end things with him.  If all was grand it would not be this hard.  

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cheated on my unfaithful partner

 I kissed my friend while we were both drunk We had problems with him before because of the way I dance with that person, it was quite inappropriate, my partner bothered him, but we were able to solve it,

Now the kiss happened, it was while we were partying, I was drunk my friend was also drunk and we kissed, my boyfriend found out about the kiss from another person, I still don't know how it was, but he found out, I'm sorry I'm not a bad person, just a person who made two mistakes, my partner is very upset, I should have pushed my friend away from the first time, but I didn't, now my partner will definitely want him to be out of my life My partner told me "you want me to forgive you something that you might not forgive me" I know what hurts, that's why I wouldn't do it or at least that's what I thought

I am not a bad person, I only made a mistake 2 times and I want my partner to forgive me

What can I do so that my partner forgives me, I am sorry and I want to solve it, I spend my time crying because of what happened

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You are not a bad person, but you should not be in a relationship if you are not able to maintain healthy boundaries and respect your partner. 

For me, I would forgive you but I would end the relationship. I know that sounds harsh, but I don’t do relationships filled with this kind of drama. You have some more growing up to do before you are going to be a good relationship partner. 

Edited by BaileyB
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18 minutes ago, BaileyB said:

No eres una mala persona, pero no deberías tener una relación si no eres capaz de mantener límites saludables y respetar a tu pareja. 

Para mí, te perdonaría pero terminaría la relación. Sé que suena duro, pero no hago relaciones llenas de este tipo de drama. Tienes que crecer un poco más antes de convertirte en un buen compañero de relación. 

Don't you think there is a small chance that I will get a second chance?

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7 minutes ago, Vcontrerasi said:

Don't you think there is a small chance that I will get a second chance?

Not if it was me. 

The kiss wouldn’t be the issue for me. I would dump you because of the irresponsible drinking, the fact that you lied to me, you are trying to minimize the situation, and you don’t seem to take responsibility for this. Your post is all about you - you got caught and you don’t want to deal with the consequences of your behavior. Nowhere is this post do I see any mention of what you can do to earn his trust back, to be a good partner, or to make amends. You just want forgiveness so that you can continue along and my money is that you will be back in a few months to ask “I made a mistake three times, will he forgive me? I’m not a bad person” because you haven’t learned the lesson yet.

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mark clemson
1 hour ago, Vcontrerasi said:

What can I do so that my partner forgives me, I am sorry and I want to solve it, I spend my time crying because of what happened

Some people won't come back from this while others will. If they are of the first type, there isn't much you can do.

Strike a balance between giving them "space" and continuing to indicate that you are remorseful and wish to get back together. You will probably have to agree to not have the friend in your life.

There is, frankly, not a huge chance of this working though if he is type who simply can't accept this and/or if he was already almost "done" for other reasons and this was the last straw.

Not every relationship goes long term. C'est la vie.

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