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Lost in the sauce

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I am involved with a girl who I am truly in love with. She is truly amazing. We click on all cylinders....well not all. There is a problem in our sex life. She won't make love to me. She says it's not because she doesn't know how she is just satisfied with casual sex. If we go all out now what will we have to offer after marriage. At this point we will never make. I have desires that has to be fulfilled. What do I do?

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YOU ASK: "I have desires that has to be fulfilled. What do I do?"


Well, you write that she is amazing, all cylinders click on and you are in love with her. But if all this does not happen at a level where you can hold off on the sex, as she wishes, then you must find a lady who is more willing to bed with you.


You have to decide what is more important to you, cultivating a relationship with a wonderful lady you love or having immediate sexual intercourse.


It's your call, not ours.


If you have desires that have to be fulfilled, I'm sure glad you don't have desires to rob banks or blow up buildings.

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While it is true that if you engage in something too much, it loses its significance, it is also true that some things are just as good as the first time. Me and my significant other have made love numerous times and every time is just as good as the first time because of the love and passion that is put into the love making. On several occassions it has brought tears to my eyes, not because of how good the sexual part was but how much love can be felt in such and activity, if it is really love. Also there is more than one way to make love, more than one place for it also. I think she may be a little scared because if she can't get tired of casual sex, why would she think she'll get tired of making love? I take making love as just that, involving love. Some people say they've made love because of the mood involved but it goes deeper than that. If she really loves you, she'll see what I mean one day.

I am involved with a girl who I am truly in love with. She is truly amazing. We click on all cylinders....well not all. There is a problem in our sex life. She won't make love to me. She says it's not because she doesn't know how she is just satisfied with casual sex. If we go all out now what will we have to offer after marriage. At this point we will never make. I have desires that has to be fulfilled. What do I do?
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