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I have no luck with guys

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Hello. This is my first time here.

I have no one to share it with.

For some reason I have no luck with guys.

I'm 21, pretty and slim.

I'm not a saxist.

But the guys don't show any romance, and what's most frustrating...

They don't like sex.

They never want to make me feel good, but I put it out there to the best of my ability.

I'm tired of...

When am I going to meet the perfect guy?

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If you're not a saxist, that'd be dealbreaker for me! Learn the saxophone, then you might have more luck ;) 

On a more serious note, you're 21...  You have plenty of time to find "Mr. Right" - have some patience. If your current methods of meeting people aren't yielding the results you want, change it up a bit. If you can't find a guy that likes sex at your age, I fear you're doing something very wrong! 

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47 minutes ago, Ksenya bbs said:

Hello. This is my first time here.

I have no one to share it with.

For some reason I have no luck with guys.

I'm 21, pretty and slim.

I'm not a saxist.

But the guys don't show any romance, and what's most frustrating...

They don't like sex.

They never want to make me feel good, but I put it out there to the best of my ability.

I'm tired of...

When am I going to meet the perfect guy?

Try being 47 and still not finding Mr Perfect. Hint, perfect does not exist. If you are 21 and feeling like this, you have a whole life of disappointment in front of you. 1. You are too young to be thinking like this. 2. If the only guys you are interested in aren't interested in romance or sex it's probably time to change the types of guys you are interested in. It sounds to me like you're the one with the problem, not them. You really need to reevaluate your life goals.

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Dating is a numbers game.  Are you doing multiple things to meet men in person, on line, through friends, in your daily life, etc?  

What is your idea of romance?  I know very few 18 - 25 year old men who really know anything about romance.  You may have to teach them about candlelight, moonlight walks, soft music, slow dancing  etc.  

As for the sex, what do you mean 

2 hours ago, Ksenya bbs said:

They don't like sex.

They never want to make me feel good, but I put it out there to the best of my ability.

How do you know these mean don't like sex?  What are you putting out there & when?  

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8 hours ago, NYAG said:

Try being 47 and still not finding Mr Perfect. Hint, perfect does not exist. If you are 21 and feeling like this, you have a whole life of disappointment in front of you. 1. You are too young to be thinking like this. 2. If the only guys you are interested in aren't interested in romance or sex it's probably time to change the types of guys you are interested in. It sounds to me like you're the one with the problem, not them. You really need to reevaluate your life goals.

I know, right?

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You may be coming on too strong. Dial it back and flirt a little more. Don't hang everything out at once for all and sundry. Have fun with things and go with the flow a bit more. It may not always work out but that's fine also. 

And don't ever feel like you have to downgrade or do anything you're not comfortable with.

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14 hours ago, Ksenya bbs said:

When am I going to meet the perfect guy?

There is no perfect guy, as there is no perfect gal....

14 hours ago, Ksenya bbs said:

They don't like sex.

They never want to make me feel good, but I put it out there to the best of my ability.

They don't like sex or don't like sex with you? Age, type of guy, conversations, and your personality all reflect on how the guy will treat you. 

If he doesn't have to put some effort in, he will value you less. But you will have to show him you are worth putting effort in. 

"You reap what you sow". 

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