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I broke her heart and now she left

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I met this amazing woman when I was working in a short film.First day I met her I sensed that something is bothering her.Her eyes were teary.But she was controlling herself.After some day I asked her out.From that time we met almost daily.i am a shy kind of guy and she is shy also.But I have a average sense of humour so I can manage to make her laugh.we spent a long time together day after day.She shared every bit of her secrets with me.she always told me that I was the only person in her life who understood her.After one month or so I confessed my feelings towards her.She rejected me.because she couldn't move on from her first relationship.She said her heart is fully broken.and she can't love anyone again.But I managed to stay in her life.i managed to make heart beat again.she confessed that to me.She confessed to me that she started liking me.it was one of the greatest moment in my whole life.

But after then the problem started to begin.there was a rumour that she has a boyfriend.But she denied it from first.i was suspecting her for lying.i asked her again and again that was it the truth or lie.she denied and denied.but she wasn't showing me the proof.

After sometime I managed to collect some information about her so called bf.that guy wasn't very good to her.That guy lied to her and he was trying to pursue another girl behind her back while he told her that she was the only girl in his life.and she believed it but avoided that guy fully.because of his angry attitude.

I told her that that guy was lying to her.she told me to show her some proof so that she can show that to him and block him forever.but I had no proof.So I made a fake (girl) Facebook account.and tried to reach to that guy.that guy responded accordingly to his behaviour.tried to flirt , tried to meet etc. Etc.

I took this screenshots and gave it to her.She show that to him.that guy completely disagreed with her.but after some day he confessed that he was meeting with a girl.But she was only a friend. (Which is a lie.because his friends knows that girl he was meeting is his potential girlfriend).

She left that guy.She was sad because he lied to her for almost 3 years.Then after some days that guy proposed for marriage.She rejected and show me the screenshots that that guy doesn't want relationship.he wants to marry her.which means there was no relationship.she proved it on my face.then I gave her some space.after some days she acted very strange and distant to me.She was ignoring my messages and almost became cold to me.when I noticed this behaviours of her.i started to call her multiple times every day.she wasn't picking up the phone.after some time she blocked my phone number.then I became completely desparate.i started to message her again and again.i started to call her again and again.She asked for some space.i became anxious and didn't gave it to her.i had that fear of loosing her this time.she asked space from me twice before.i gave it to her.she was happy with it.but this time I was anxious.after someday she started completely ignoring me.she became mean to me.i continued to bother her.She blocked me on what's app for calling her so many times.i made another account with another number to reach out to her.then she became more cold.

After then I gave her some time.after 10 days I understood that she suspected that those screenshots were fake.she told me on message that , "I know who opened that account" 

I called her and said do you think I lied to you about that guy?

She said no but the account was opened by someone else.then she cut off the phone.

I reached out to her after some time again.i confessed to her that the information was correct but I had to give her some proof so the guy will leave her.and thus I made that account and started to talk to him.and took some screenshots.and I am sry for this.

She said it's ok.and ghosted me again.


I know I messed up big time now.i took her for granted and she started to pull away from me.She is now ghosting me completely.ignored my messenger chat with her.


What should I do guys?

I love her from the bottom of my heart.i can't live without her.i think I can't survive this pain.we had a very good connection and chemistry with each other.

Almost daily dream about her smile , Her eyes.

I still open every pictures of her and cry in darkness.

What can I do to get back her?

Do I still have any kind of chance?

I am now currently giving her space.







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[]This isn’t about what you want it’s about what she wants. If you truly loved her you’d put her needs before yours and just leave her alone because she clearly doesn’t want you. 

Learn from this. Next time don’t date a rebound. 

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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honestly, she isn't in any emotional space to entertain entering into a new relationship, despite how you feel about her.

She is not girlfriend material, no matter how you romanticize her.  Take off the rose colored glasses---they prevent you from seeing the red flags.

Let her go figure out what she wants.  From what you written, it's not a relationship with you.

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Sorry this happened.

Unfortunately when you get involved in someone's on/off situation you'll get hurt . Delete and block her and all her people from all your messaging apps.

 This way you can move on to women who are free and clear to date.

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Awww dude that's some bad play to win a girl's heart. What you did was deceitful.. you just proved to her you can't be trusted to mind you own business. You meddled in her private life not for her benefit but for your own, thinking you rescued her so she should fall into your arms.

Note: She friend zoned you way back. She opened up to you because she was hurt and vulnerable. She was never interested in dating you, she gave you the old song and dance about not being ready for a relationship, etc. Not even a broken heart stops a girl from dating a guy if she was really into him.

And here it is, she had started dated a new guy, not you. That right there is proof she's not interested.

Block delete her number, clean the slate, learn, grow, move forward.

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Where in there did you mess up other than by chasing a woman who has been two timing you the whole time? 

You were never her BF.  She was never emotionally available to date you.  Her heart always belonged to the guy who proposed marriage to her.  You were a little toy she played with to make him jealous or to get back at him for all the cheating he did on her.  She doesn't care about his infidelity  She wants him;  you & the facts are not going to get in her way.  

She's sounds like a wounded bird who doesn't have what it takes to be a good partner or sustain a relationship with you.  Daily communication with somebody you just met is too much too soon.  Her claiming to have shared "all her secrets" with you so early is a Giant RED FLAG!  People who pour their hearts out so soon are damaged & have poor boundaries.  Plus she point blank told you she was hung up on the other guy, yet you didn't listen.  That was foolish on your part. 

You taking the initiative to entrap this other guy to prove to her that he was lying was a bridge too far.  You were moving into some dangerous mentally unhealthy territory here. 

Just let go of this drama queen who was never yours to begin with.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry but I don't think you have any chance with her.  You have interfered in her life far too much.  You should not have got involved at all in the is he/isn't he being faithful saga.  Making a fake site and communicating with her ex is absolutely going too far.  You were trying to prove to her that he was a liar so that she would choose you instead.  Creeping around behind her back like that is not going to lead her to trust you.  She was probably shocked at what you did.

Whatever mess she is in with her ex is nothing to do with you.  The only thing you need to know if you meet a girl you like, and she likes you, is is she unattached; is the over her exes; does she want to build a relationship with you?  You can't pressure her into any of these things without it backfiring at some point.

I think you need an honest talk with some mates about what is/isn't unacceptable in a dating life.  What you did was unacceptable and I doubt she will be happy about it or want to be in touch with you again.  You need to learn about acceptable boundaries.  If in doubt, do some reading online on relationship sites or forums like this.

I'm sorry it hasn't worked out this time but if you revise your behaviour and, ideally, find therapy to get to the bottom of why you felt the need to go so far into her complicated love life, you will have a chance of future relationships turning out much better.

Edited by spiderowl
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