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If a man and a woman look intently at each other

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Does that mean the girl was attracted to you as well? How do you start a conversation with her? Do you smile immediately?

The past few years was like that. Spotted gorgeous girls staring at me like crazy but I didn't know what to do! Well, I guess I blew my chances by not talking to any one of them! :(

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Smile back & say hello.  Really.  That is all as an opener.  If you get a return smile / greeting, make a comment about the weather.  Go from there . 

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Trail Blazer

A couple of years back I had a gorgeous girl ask me to drop her back to her sister's place from the Park and Ride.  It was raining heavily and she said it was only a short trip by car. 

Sure enough, I dropped her back, after which I was kicking myself for not taking my chance and asking her if I could get her number.  So, I know all about feeling like I wasted an opportunity.

When I look back on it, though, did I actually waste an opportunity?  Or would I have just been taking advantage of a poor woman in a situation where she needed help rather than being hit on?

I even created a thread in here, regretting my decison to not seize the opportunity.  And, you know what?  The forum was split on whether it would have been a good idea, or not...

So, I guess the point here is that nobody will ever be able to give you an answer.  Nobody knows if she's interested just because she smiled.  For all we know, she may have just been smiling to be polite because she caught you looking at her first.

At the end of the day, you can only analyze what you didn't do yesterday and decide how you're going to change to shape the tomorrow that you desire.

It's never too late to learn from one's past actions and continually mould ourselves into being the person we so desire.  It's only ever too late if we convince ourselves it is and fail to act.

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mark clemson
12 hours ago, luiscasabuena said:

Does that mean the girl was attracted to you as well? How do you start a conversation with her?

The past few years was like that. Spotted gorgeous girls staring at me like crazy but I didn't know what to do!

Well, whatever you were doing back then, get back to doing it again now. 🙂

What you do is say "hi" and then they either say hi back (at which point you can start a conversation) or they ignore you for whatever reason in which case you don't "pursue".

To start a conversation, don't bother with pre-planned "lines" - bring up things relating to the immediate environment instead. A few possible examples - at a coffee shop ask what she got and what she likes, at a party ask if she knows the host or likes the music, at work ask what dept she's in (preferably not yours). Ask if she's having a fun day, etc, etc.

Consider doing a bit of internet research on conversation skills and/or conversation starters. I agree it can be easier said than done, as one can be a bit nervous, which makes it harder to be spontaneous.

If you are attractive, women will smile at you and start unnecessary conversations to "scope you out" (which includes your social skills for most of them, I believe).

If she's interested, then in a way it doesn't matter much what you actually talk about, so long as there are no "mis-steps" (like an inappropriately crude or "angry" or immature sounding remark). It's more about having a "natural" conversation to see if there's personality "chemistry" to go with the attractive looks or other features that are getting her initial interest.

One key is also to not appear too interested right at the outset. I think this can be offputting for some women. Do be friendly and open to conversation though. Women frequently use indirect communication, so a "hint" that she's open to further contact/communication can (often, not always) be "permission" to ask for her # or ask if she's interested in a lunch date (or if conversation was extended then perhaps a "real" date).

Edited by mark clemson
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