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long distance

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i have been seeing this guy for about a year, and now he is home for the summer, (we are college students) i wasn't sure how strong my feelings were, but now that he's gone i miss him so much it hurts. i know its only til august, but we used to talk every day and that's just not possible now for either one of us. what can i do to make sure that our relationship will still be strong after so long apart?

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Keep in touch with him, write him, but don't overdo it.


There is absolutely NOTHING in the universe you can do to ensure your relationship will remain strong or that it will even exist when you go back to school. You do have control over yourself so half your problem is solved but you have no control over him.


If this relationship was as strong as you indicate, you would have made plans to see each other at some point over the summer...or to at least have kept in contact through snail mail, email or telephone.


Anything can happen. You could meet someone over the summer...he could...feelings can change...the world could end.


Hey, if your relationships stays strong and resumes in the fall, GREAT!!! But don't make it the end of the world if feelings change over this period.

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