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Dating a woman dating multiple guys

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I recently messaged a woman on a dating app and she replied back saying she is dating two other guys and is busy. For one, I find this incredibly attractive, weird but true. 

How should I message this woman back assuming I want her?

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1 hour ago, Techienerd said:

I recently messaged a woman on a dating app and she replied back saying she is dating two other guys and is busy. 

Are you sure it's not an escort service?

If she's not responding, she's not interested.

"Busy" and "seeing someone" are basically your cues to move on.


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5 hours ago, Techienerd said:

I recently messaged a woman on a dating app and she replied back saying she is dating two other guys and is busy. For one, I find this incredibly attractive, weird but true. 

How should I message this woman back assuming I want her?

Try telling her that you think her multi-dating is hot.  She seems to like brutal honesty.  

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Miss Peach

I feel the same way especially doing OLD. I have more interest than I have time. I'm guessing that's what's happening since she didn't outright reject you. I would just wait a few weeks so that the current guys can fizzle out and ask again.


If you like multi-dating, have you considered checking out polyamory? It might be a fit.

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Most younger women are dating multiple guys.  In fact I just assume every woman I'm dating is dating at least one other guy, I don't really care whether she is or not.

I would just say "cool" and shoot your shoot.

Edited by dramafreezone
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  • 4 weeks later...

All women, if they are smart anyways, multi-date. It's just like sales man, you've got to be working 4 or 5 numbers at any given time or you will definitely starve, and if you're not multidating 4 or 5 women at any given time, you'll be 95 years old before you find your love. So it's totally normal for her to be dating 4 or 5 guys at that same time. It's only dating, there's no committment there until you officially become boyfriend and girlfriend. Then she has to get rid of all the exes, and no more dating other guys. If she reneges on this, you end the relationship right then and there. 

So, the trick here is to accept her multidating and even encourage her to do so, you'll show her that you are mature, stable, and totally in control of yourself. This is immensely attractive to women. 

Now, if you date this girl and get her Romantic Attraction Level to rise, she's going to ask you to be her girlfriend. Here's how this happens, you just have to have some patience and be a little cheeky/humorous to get throught it. 

After about 10-12 dates, if you have raised her romantic attraction for you, she will say something like: "Are you dating other girls?" and/or "What do you see in the future for this relationship?" This is woman-speak--I call it Feminese--for she wants to be exclusive with you, she wants you to be her boyfriend. Now, looking back in your dating life, have you ever had a girl talk to you this way. If you are experienced enough, you probably have. Most guys don't understand what the woman is really saying because they don't understand Feminese, and this is because they don't understand that women have to speak to us men in a very indirect, round-about manner. 

Now, this is where you bring in a little bit of cheeky humor. You now know that she likes you and wants to be exclusive so you have to show her that you aren't totally easy and desperate to be her boyfriend, so you have make her work to get you, women love this. Just say something like: "I'm not dating too many ladies, just the right number, but only the pretty and smart ones, but if I told you that you're number 1 on that list is that ok?"

She'll come back with something like: "Well we both seem to like and get along with each other, mayby we should just see each other exclusively."

Now, you come back with: "Sounds like you're asking me to be your boyfriend." 

She'll say something like: "Put it that way if you want to."

Now you say: "Who know's, I'll think about it because that's a pretty decent offer."

Now change the subject and move on with the date. Don't ever have this conversation over text or phone, ever. It's always face to face when we are having conversations with women. The rule is that when you are having conversations, it is always face to face, and only on a real, specific date. No text or phone conversations, ever. No more texting, and you only use the phone to set up the next date, maximum 3 minutes, and then end the call. Don't become her text-puppie or a text-stalker, you'll destroy her Romantic Attraction Level for you every time. 

Just enjoy the rest of this date, and say nothing more about her exclusivity proposal. This shows incredible self-control on your part and it will just increase her Romantic Attraction Level for you, and that's always a good thing. End the date, give her kiss on the lips, keep your hands to yourself and say goodnight. Wait a week and call her to schedule another date, go on the date and say nothing about her proposal, keep your mouth shut, because she'll bring it up at some point. You always wait for her to bring this sort of stuff up. 

You're on the next date and she says something like: "Have you had a chance to think about what we were talking about last week?"

You say, with a smile: "I can't remember, just refresh my memory for me, it's been a hectic week." 

She'll say something like: "We should think about being exclusive with each other."

You say: "Oh ya, now I remember. Hey, are you still in contact with any of your exes? Cause I don't want any exes in the picture whatsoever."

If she's a good girl and truly committed to you, she'll say something like: "Nope, no exes in the picture, and I don't have any contact with any of them, they're in the past."

You say: "That's good. Do you promise to always keep yourself as pretty as you are now and always agree with me, even when I'm totally full of it?"

She'll say: "Yes and Yes." 

You say: "Those are good Yeses, I like the sound of those. Congratulations on your latest accomplishment by the way."

She'll say: "What accomplishment are you talking about?"

You say with a smile: "Getting me as you new boyfriend." 

Ok, enough of this for now, but you get the picture. It really does go this way, you just have to show patience and self-control and she'll escalate the relationship, women are very good at this, just go with their flow. 

Good luck and keep us posted so everyone can learn from your experiences. 


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/3/2021 at 8:47 AM, Techienerd said:

she replied back saying she is dating two other guys and is busy. 

Busy and I am dating others, is code for I am not interested in you.
NO woman who  would want to date you, even if it is just a maybe, would close the door so firmly on you.

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On 5/3/2021 at 2:47 AM, Techienerd said:

I recently messaged a woman on a dating app and she replied back saying she is dating two other guys and is busy. For one, I find this incredibly attractive, weird but true. 

How should I message this woman back assuming I want her?

She's a woman on Tinder, of course she's going on dates with multiple guys, probably screwed a guy or two as well. That's how it is with young liberals these days. 

Edited by GuitarGuy7
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