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what to do....

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ok, so i've been seeing this girl for about 4 months now...we're college students so for the last 3 weeks or so we've been apart. we still talk just about every day, and things are going pretty well. i really, really like this girl. she's fun, laid back, absolutely beautiful, and i'm really happy when i'm with her. the only problem is that she is very irresponsible. as in if she says she's going to call at a certain time, she doesnt call or she calls hours later. i kind of got used to this during the semester, if she said she was going to be over at my place at a certain time, i'd know to get ready to take a shower about the time she said she'd be there, that way i'd be ready before she arrived. or if she said she'd be ready at 9 o clock to be picked up, i'd leave at 9:15 so i only had to wait like 5 minutes instead of 20. i'm the pot calling the kettle black here, i'm not exactly the most punctual guy on the planet here. but my problem is this: my last girlfriend was so anal retentive about everything that she was always ready before the time, she always had everything in order. this girl's reckless time management is a slight nuisance, but given that it's kinda what i've been looking for after having almost a second mother for 2 years, it's fun, and honestly it turns me on. the only thing is that now that we're apart, i cant help but think that when she's not calling me she is instead out with her friends from home. and to make it more interesting, she's the type who has alot of guy friends. she doesnt screw around with them, but i know for a fact that they want to do so with her. it's kinda maddenning at times. i dont know what to do. do i ride this out and just accept the fact that the same thing that drives me wild drives me freaking crazy? or do i just get while the gettings good before i get too attached to break free without really hurting myself? i guess the question im asking then is; is it possible for either her to change or me to learn to accept her, i hate to put it this way but, flakiness?

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Waiting around and hoping for somebody to change is nothing short of insane. That's not going to happen. Either you accept her just like she is right now or move on.


Everybody changes over time, one way or the other, but there is no way of predicting just how somebody's going to be in the future.


Get over your insecurities about these other guys, accept that she is not on time for dates and appointments, and just enjoy the relationship...or get out of it.


Your question was is it possible for her to change or for your to accept her flakiness. Both are possible but you have a lot more control over yourself.

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