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Fashion Inquiry - What's worse

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I'm getting ready to get  back in the dating scene as I've been vaccinated and I live in an area where covid security is taken seriously.

Looking to buy new gear however what's worse, something on the looser or tighter end for a male with a slim/semi athletic body? (covid made gym going impossible)

Any input appreciated.


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My suggestion is wear a style you feel confident in. Tighter fitting I am told is better but this is of course very subjective.

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Neither tight nor loose, just fitted.

A decent sport coat that you can throw over a couple of nice t-shirt or button down with fitted jeans and casual decent shoes. That would solve your first meet look.

More importantly get to a barber for a good haircut and facial hair trim/shave.

Also get your teeth cleaned at the dentist.

Get your car washed, etc. 

Have a pulled together presentation.

Keep it simple, a few messages, a brief coffee meet and decide if you want a second date.

A couple pairs of good jeans and some new shirts should do the trick.


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The trend for men these days seems to be tighter where pants/ jeans/ shirts cling to their bodies. 
I prefer a more relaxed fit on men. Others may not.Try a few looks and see what you feel comfortable in and wear that. 

I don’t believe in trying to conform to what you think people want, be it in terms of behaviour, fashion, whatever. I’m not a heel person and so I don’t wear them. Some men really love when women wear heels. I agree it’s very sexy. But I like not face planting every few steps so if a man wants a woman who wears heels that’s not me and he’d do better to find a woman who can elegantly stride on them. 
Do what is comfortable and suitable for you and let the chips fall where they may. 

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I really do not like tight fitting, narrow pants on a straight man.  That is solely a personal preference.  It does seem to be the fashion 

The real trick is to wear clothes that fit you, that you are comfortable in.  If you are squeezed into an outfit that just not you because you are trying to be somebody you are not, you will come across as fidgety  & "off" on the date.  


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