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Did you have side-effects after Johnson and Johnson Vaccine

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Happy Lemming

My mother (finally) got permission from her doctor to get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine (she has some underlying heath issues), so I flew back East (for just over a week) and took her to get the shot (and stayed with her to help, if she had any side effects). 

She was weak, tired and lethargic for about 2 days, then bounced back to her old self.  I cooked for her while she wasn't feeling good, then made up a good supply of single serve meals and froze them. 

I got back (home) late last night and called her this morning, all is well and she feels fine.

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Wow, what wonderful love you gave your mother, @Happy Lemming

FYI: I had the Pfizer vaccine and after my second shot, I was tired, foggy and achy for a week! A full week. 

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And just to be clear: I am thoroughly delighted that I got the Pfizer shot.

Side effects, as annoying as they were, were minimal. I've had worse weeks with a cold. Far worse weeks with a toothache or hip pain or back pain. 

The J & J is a great shot because it's only one dose. We'll ideally want more one-dose vaccines in the future. 

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With all this talk about Moderna and Pfizer I sometimes feel like I got the dollar store version of the vaccine with the J & J shot but I know I shouldn't feel that way.

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Happy Lemming
6 minutes ago, Woggle said:

With all this talk about Moderna and Pfizer I sometimes feel like I got the dollar store version of the vaccine with the J & J shot but I know I shouldn't feel that way.

My mother's doctor wanted her to have the Johnson & Johnson (specifically).  I don't know all of the "why's", but he liked that vaccine over the others for her.  I don't think the doctor would endorse and specifically suggest a "dollar store" vaccine.

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The J&J vaccine came along later, when there were more contagious variants on the scene. So it's efficacy numbers might be unfairly skewed lower compared to Moderna and Pfizer, which were tested when there was the initial variant out there. 

J&J is a big company ... and I'm sure they're at work on a booster if need be.

And there are trials being run now where people who received one shot get a booster of a different shot. Bottom line: the J&J is looking quite good. And if people want higher efficacy, I'm sure a booster shot will be available in not too long.  (Not that a booster is needed. I'm talking about in a year or so.)

Some people REALLY hate shots, so the J&J really works for them. 

BTW: when the vaccines were being furiously developed, the FDA had a guideline that any vaccine that has  50 percent success is a great achievement and would be approved. J&J is well well above that. 

Edited by Lotsgoingon
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm between Oxford AstraZeneca shots one and two. I was feverish, feeling poorly and out of sorts for about 24 hours after the first shot. No difference really to my normal reaction to the annual FluVax. Most of my friends and colleagues who've had their second AstraZeneca shot reacted similarly to the first, and say the second is a breeze. Can't wait to be fully vaxed. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Had the second pfizer shot yesterday,

have been lucky enough with no side effects,

happy to be vaccinated with this new delta variant taking hold.

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I got my first Moderna on Monday, and my “covid arm” has been very painful (even lifting my laptop from the desk was painful). 
A day later (yesterday) I almost fainted at night before bed (ear ringing, blurry vision, dizzy), crawled into bed literally the very last moment before falling over, and then I couldn’t sleep despite extreme fatigue, and my heart started pounding - I thought I had a heart attack all of a sudden. This morning I feel better, but holy moly - what a weird experience.
Two of my friends got Pfizer and also hat some severe dizziness/lightheadedness 

Anybody else? I almost never get sick btw. Very rarely. So I wasn’t even worried about side effects …… this came out of nowhere for me 😳

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54 minutes ago, Pumpernickel said:

I got my first Moderna on Monday, and my “covid arm” has been very painful (even lifting my laptop from the desk was painful). 
A day later (yesterday) I almost fainted at night before bed (ear ringing, blurry vision, dizzy), crawled into bed literally the very last moment before falling over, and then I couldn’t sleep despite extreme fatigue, and my heart started pounding - I thought I had a heart attack all of a sudden. This morning I feel better, but holy moly - what a weird experience.
Two of my friends got Pfizer and also hat some severe dizziness/lightheadedness 

Anybody else? I almost never get sick btw. Very rarely. So I wasn’t even worried about side effects …… this came out of nowhere for me 😳

Sounds quite bad. I'm glad you're better. My reactions to both shots were mild compared to some I'm reading. It was two hours of fever and chills for the first one, virtually nothing but the sore arm for the second. I didn't feel fatigue either. I know how you feel about feeling weird being sick. As mild as my reactions were the fever is unusual for me. 

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I had J and J in early March and the only thing I had the next morning was a low grade temp and a little fatigue. Very minimal .

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  • 4 weeks later...
Indigo Night

I had a fever of 101-102 for a couple of days, and felt a little rundown, but that's it. I actually have worse side effects from the pneumonia vaccine, but my immune system is wrecked to begin with.

My husband got the two dose Moderna vaccine, and was really sick for a few days after the second dose. His fever was 102-104, severe headache and body fatigue.

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