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I am absolutely rubbish at the whole body language, Any info appreciated?

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I was working in a superstore today. (I go into lots of different stores for my job) but this store, was my local store that I normally do my big shop in. I have spoken once or twice, just say hi etc. Today, I had to go up to him and ask him a question. He was with two other managers. As I approached him to say, is it okay to go into the back to get my work etc. Two of the managers stepped forward to talk to me. I obviously, this one attractive and would like to talk to him more, but obviously, I'm abit reserved incase he has a gf or gay or whatever . I looked him dead in the eye, pretty much ignoring the other one. He looked at me in the eyes back and obviously said yes of course you can. I noticed he stuck around for abit then disappeared. I see him regular and I do say hi etc. 

I am absolutely rubbish at the whole body language, is he interested stuff. I'm just wondering is that a green light or is it because he's a manager or something? Obviously, I know you can't know for sure (as you're not him) but any insight and a way forward would be greatly appreciated. 

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You'll only know if you ask him. Some people are really good at making eye contact but it's just their approach. Other behaviours are difficult to interpret. I am no expert. Sometimes I get it right, sometimes wrong. It depends on the individual.

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Full stop.  He is a manager.  STAY AWAY.  Office romance is hard enough  It should be avoided at all costs when one person is a supervisor / manager over the other.  It will disrupt how that manager interacts with other staffers & they will resent you.  If this is only a part time gig for you while you are in school, after you stop working for the company you can pursue whatever you want but not now.  He'd be a fool to take up with you; if you are the wrong kind of person once you break up you could claim sexual harassment & he might lose his job.  

If you want to learn more about body language there are tons of articles & books.  Read a few.  

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17 hours ago, Hannahhawks87 said:

 I I'm just wondering is that a green light or is it because he's a manager or something? 

He may know that you are in a relationship and that you have kids,etc.

Did you break up? Are you simply looking for attention or validation?

What exactly do you want to do with this situation?

Edited by Wiseman2
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Me and my partner split up awhile ago now and he has moved on rather quickly and now got a new girlfriend. Even when I was with my partner I found this guy attractive. Since its my local store and ive been going in alone, he's become friendly and more open to talking to me. 

In some way, it would be more flattering to know he found me attractive. I dont have the confidence to ask that question. 


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1 hour ago, Hannahhawks87 said:

 Even when I was with my partner I found this guy attractive. it would be more flattering to know he found me attractive .

Ok. If he's not asking for your number or chatting more or suggesting going for coffee, you don't have to read the tealeaves.

Enjoy your crush, but if you are ready to date, get on some quality dating apps and start talking to and meeting men.

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Don't over think it. These days it's not professional to be hitting on clients in the workplace...more than likely this is his rule or it's company policy. Now it would be different if you ran into each other outside of work. The best way to navigate this is to have conversations about the things his does in his off time, places he visits, etc. Then show up, and make it like it was by coincidence.

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