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Ok, so I've worked for this company for 3.5 years. My boss has made snide remarks at times, most recently yesterday when I told him I was leaving for the day, an hour early (I am a model employee, never missing work and handling things in 2 hours that would take others 8... the bosses words, not mine). My mother was in from out of state. He says "Oh the delightful mother. How old is your mother?" I respond she's pushing 70, to which he replied "Oh, I figured she was my age, lol!" I said, "How in the world would my mother be your age??" He said "I figured she started early" to which I replied "that was a real jackass comment!" He stood there laughing, I made my exit. Now... my mother is almost 15 years older than him, which he well knows as we have chatted at length and in depth about our family.

Last month it was a comment about me "milking the system" as I have children and I received stimulus money. I am floored that he says these things. I just don't know how to handle this, he should not speak to anyone like this, especially employees. I don't hear from others (employees) that he has made remarks to them, but something to note is that I am the only female that works there (I manage the office).  Input?

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