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Does it look bad to take another job in this case with my boss?

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I have a job now, which is not bad and it was suppose to be seasonal originally, but they offered me a permament position.  There is another job I was offered which is a filmmaking job.  I did work for them before and like that job much better.  But like before it was only seasonal for three months.

I already wanted to work with them again which would start in september, and this job which originally was suppose to be seasonal would have been over by then, so I thought it was going to line up perfectly, where I would just leave this one and then go back to the seasonal one I like more.

But now that this one has offered me a permanent position, I am not sure now.  This current job said i can go to the filmmaking job temporarily if I want to and then when it's over in 3 months, I can just come back.  They said it would be fine with them and they will have the position for me when I come back in December, but I don't know... does it look bad or would they feel like I am leaving them in the lurch if I do that, even if they offered that I can go and then come back after?  What do you think?

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Okay thanks.  They offered this on the spot though without thinking about it much, so as long as they didn't offer it in haste but after thought, oh crap, "why didn't we think before offering that"

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On 6/3/2021 at 9:45 PM, ironpony said:

They said it would be fine with them and they will have the position for me when I come back in December, but I don't know... does it look bad or would they feel like I am leaving them in the lurch if I do that, even if they offered that I can go and then come back after?  What do you think?

You may have more peace of mind if it's in writing in contract and decide early on the duration of how long you want to take your leave from this current position and go back to the older position and the date of your return, or something to that effect that states the duration and time period. If it's loosey goosey like this there's no guarantee they'll take you back anyway. Be clear with the current position that you're interested in taking the permanent position if you choose this route. They will have less of a reason to doubt you.

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Okay thanks for the advice!  Actually it turns out the boss changed her mind now, and now I have to pick between the two but I don't know which one to pick!  The one now pays a lot less but it is a permanent position now, where it was just temporary before.  The other pays quite a bit more, but would only be a 3-4 month seasonal job.  Should I go for the lower paying one, because it means working longer, even if I like the other job a little more and it pays more, but still seasonal?

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