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So.....My boyfriend broke up with me and I am still sad. I can't get him off my mind. I have gotten advice from many:


"Find a hobby, go out with the girls, have fun, etc. None of this works. I miss him terribly. I have not seen or talked to him in a while. He told me he does not think that this is right. I explained it was his choice to let me go and that he has to deal with the consequences...which happen to be NO CONTACT. Still, I am sad and miss him. What am I going to do? I suppose I need to try harder. I just wish the pain and sadness would go away faster.

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I completely understand where you're coming from. I had a similar experince and the best way for me to recover is to break all ties with him. Seeing him only complicates things. Don't force yourself to be his friend if you can't handle it. He's the one who messed up, not you! Anyway, I got support from my girlfriends and my family. This really helped me recover. They forbade me to listen to love songs for a while and I spent time doing odd stuff to occupy my time. Its hard, but try for a while. Remember, most importantly, cry. Get it all out, then try the other things I suggested.

So.....My boyfriend broke up with me and I am still sad. I can't get him off my mind. I have gotten advice from many: "Find a hobby, go out with the girls, have fun, etc. None of this works. I miss him terribly. I have not seen or talked to him in a while. He told me he does not think that this is right. I explained it was his choice to let me go and that he has to deal with the consequences...which happen to be NO CONTACT. Still, I am sad and miss him. What am I going to do? I suppose I need to try harder. I just wish the pain and sadness would go away faster.
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u'r right about NO CONTACT - NONE!


also, put all his presents/pictures/etc in a box and put it away (attic or smth) ...


and why dont u get out to a club or smth? just to enjoy some male attention ... that always lifts up the spirits :)

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I pretend she moved to Siberia and she's never coming back.Anytime her memory pops up, I just tell myself she doesn't exist anymore and she's in the past.After a couple of weeks, you feel a lot better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Listen, I'm exactly where you are, I'm right at this point myself and all I can tell you is that what you're feeling is soooo normal. I dated my boyfriend for 8 years now (I'm only 26) and this was my first real serious relationship. I don't know why or how, he just broke up with me last weekend and I feel your pain. It hurts and you miss them but the only thing that heals is time. And while I want my exboyfriend to come back to me, I can't bet on that happening, if he wanted to stay in the relationship then he wouldn't have broken it off to begin with. I know about all the hobby and go out advice, all I can say is do that! Watch a movie even if you are by yourself or call up and talk to someone, anyone, talking about it always makes you feel a sense of release afterwards, this I know for sure. Calling him won't make you feel any better, I've only broken up a week ago and all I wanna do is call him and find out why he did this. I love him still and that's just going to take time to get over. I can't say whether or not they come back, some people will tell you yes and some will tell you not to bank on that. You have to find the strength to get through and I think you will. You've already made it through a couple of months, look at what you've managed to do! I've only been doing this a week and I still feel like some nervous wreck! You are going to have times of sadness and you are totally valid in what you feel. I think that often in a lot of relationships it is the person who doesn't do the breaking up that hurts more because they don't understand the other person's need to break off the relationship. Did you two have a lot of mutual friends?

So.....My boyfriend broke up with me and I am still sad. I can't get him off my mind. I have gotten advice from many: "Find a hobby, go out with the girls, have fun, etc. None of this works. I miss him terribly. I have not seen or talked to him in a while. He told me he does not think that this is right. I explained it was his choice to let me go and that he has to deal with the consequences...which happen to be NO CONTACT. Still, I am sad and miss him. What am I going to do? I suppose I need to try harder. I just wish the pain and sadness would go away faster.
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