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Is He Catching Feelings?

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I have a guy friend whom I have been friends with for a couple of years. We had a romantic type of relationship but we both decided because of our personality difference and communication styles that we'd be better off friends. 

Lately, things seem different. I used to ALWAYS have to initiate calls and essentially beg him to call me once in a while. I finally gave up about a week ago, and told myself I think I want more from him and it isn't helping me by pushing. So all last week he called ME, just to chat, his voice was softer, BUT the weird thing is when he would call me, he would essentially just sit on the other end, listen to me ramble about stuff I'm sure he didn't really care about. He did this almost everyday this week with the exception of one day. He didn't call one day, he was in training, and he called me early the next morning explaining why he didn't call, and I didn't ask.. He has complimented how smart I am and how I would make a "badass" attorney. THEN, he was leaving for vacation today. On Monday, he called to tell me he just wanted to check in, and told me he planned to be gone for awhile on vacation. I said oh awesome, I hope you have fun! He said, so we probably wont be able to talk, but I will try to check in, and my response was its ok if you don't, go have fun!! I figured this was the last time Id talk to him till he got back, but then he called again on Tuesday to say I just wanted to talk because I would be gone for awhile. Which all of this is great, but sometimes I feel like I hold out hope with him. I don't want to look too much into this so I was hoping for some insight. Would a guy just initiate calls out of some sort of obligation? Does it seem as if he just wanted to talk/hear my voice a lot this week? I mean, I don't understand why the quietness when he calls me unless he just wanted to 'hear' me.. if that makes sense... any thoughts? 

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It's a waste of time if he's not asking you out. It's also one-sided and quite dull. Who knows what he is doing on the other end also - masturbating or something else. 

The empty compliments are a red flag. If you're a lawyer you don't need anyone to tell you you're smart or badass. Just do your job and leave the personal out of it. 

Keep it casual and light and if the conversations continue to be one-sided move on from this. Don't let someone drain your free time like that.

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