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Quit smoking

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My cravings vanished after a week which was weird.




That's about when my cravings ended also. Sometimes I miss it just out of habit but the real intense cravings seem to be gone.


I think the worst part is over!

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Got out of bed went 30 mins without a smoke instead of the usual lightning up before i get out of bed. i was so irritated by the slightest noise. i had to light one up. i am going to set my new years resolution to quit smoking. i may try zyban soon. 4.00 a pack where do u get them lol there 10 bucks for a pack here in canada

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4.00 a pack where do u get them lol there 10 bucks for a pack here in canada



If I was to pay 10.00 for a pack of smokes, it better have more than just tobacco in it!!!



The first few days is more mind power than anything. I lived on gum and sugar free candy. Every time I wanted to smoke I would tell myself I don't need that crap and then put a piece of gum or candy in my mouth.


It got me through the hard part, and now i'm on day 10!

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Hey Leigh,


here in the land of OZ packs of ciggies are 10bucks.


Ive been mungin non stop all night on a block of chocolate.


Im comin up to 4 weeks on friday.:D

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Hey Leigh,


here in the land of OZ packs of ciggies are 10bucks.


Ive been mungin non stop all night on a block of chocolate.


Im comin up to 4 weeks on friday.:D



I thought 4.00 was bad!!


I have noticied that I'm eating alot more also.


I've already gained 3 pounds since I quit. I figure I will kick the smoking habit first and then lose the weight I gained from it later.


Great job on almost 4 weeks! Keep it up!!!:)

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I just wanted to give an update. I'm on day 15 of no smoking. Here are my stats:


14 days, 9 hours, 14 minutes and 33 seconds smoke free.


288 cigarettes not smoked.


$56.00 and 2 days, 4 hours of my life saved.


I'm doing really well, It gets easier each day.


How is everybody else doing?

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Well done Leigh!


my stats


30 days without ciggies.


300 bucks saved


600 ciggies not smoked


(holy smackers what was i thinking)


Ive started an exercise program aim to have 32 inch waist in a monthand abbs of steel:D

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congratulations on your 30 day quit!!!


I have gained 6 pounds since i quit only 15 days ago.


My next goal like yours, is to lose the weight!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Konfused well done!


Is your weight gain due to excess ciggies?


Thats what 12 kilos in a year. Thats a kilo a month.


I noticed weight gain at the start of quiting, however i saw myself feeding excess amount of sweets down my throat to compensate ,so ive held back.


I can safely say now im free of ciggaretes, day 50 coming up soon.:D

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great job Andrew and konfused.


34 days smoke free


675 cigs not smoked


$132 saved


9 pounds gained.


I do not have any cravings anymore and hardly think about cigs but i'm still noticing that I am eating ALOT more. When I smoked I would lite a cig when I was bored, not I eat.


I've been trying to diet but it's just not working. I'm probably going to end up fat but atleast I'll be smoke free. I don't know which is worse to smoke or be fat though!

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Hey leighmc wll done!!!!


im 54 days no smokes.


No cravings at all.


I watch people smoke now and think to myself " how can u do that"


ASlo i have noticed the kilos ben put on due to poor diet.


But every bugger needs a bit of blubber:p

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Hey leighmc wll done!!!!


im 54 days no smokes.


No cravings at all.


I watch people smoke now and think to myself " how can u do that"



Thank you!


I think the same thing when I see people smoking. When people come in from a smoke break at work and all I smell is cigarettes, I think that is so disgusting and I can't belive I used to smell like that.


My boyfriend tells me I really did smell like nasty cigarettes all the time and it is embarrasing to know that I used to walk around smelling like that.

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Hey Leigh,


Im sure your boyfreind is stoked that he no longer snogs an ashtray:D


Keep up the good work ciggies are a good waste of money and energy.

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