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Is there a reason I’m still single? I’ve forgotten how to date or even approach. Will I be single for the long term? Any advice helpful! X

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that's a very vague, general Q.  If you want a relationship, take steps to get one.  Think about what went wrong in your past relationships.  What needs to change for you to move forward in a more healthy way?  Take those steps.  

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Happy Lemming

If this is an important goal (for you), then you work hard to accomplish it.  Play a proactive role in attempting to date other individuals.

Be outgoing, friendly, sociable, engaging, etc.  Talk to people... everyone when you are out and about. Put yourself in situations where you will likely meet other singles in your age group. (Hobbies, Sports, parties, etc.) 

Are you comfortable talking to individuals you wish to date (in "real-life" venues)??

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12 hours ago, Kimlarrr said:

Is there a reason I’m still single? I’ve forgotten how to date or even approach. 

When is the last time you dated/were in a relationship?  Are you recently out of a marriage/long term relationship?

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