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this makes my head hurt...

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Hi all

There's a friend of mine that I've known for almost 10 years, I've always though she was really cool, the kind of girl I'd like to meet and be in a relationship with. I never made a move on her, because almost the whole time I've known her, she was in a relationship with this guy, was engaged and all that. About 2 years ago, they broke up and she was single again. But by now, I have a girlfriend, so obviously I'm not trying to get with her. So fast forward two years, I feel I've gotten even closer to her during this time, I can honestly say she is my best friend.


Anyways, this weekend a bunch of people were hanging out at her house playing cards and drinking some beers.

At one point, she asked me when everyone else had left the room "why are we so weird about each other? I guess cause we've known each other for so long." Then she gave me a hug, said "I love you" and kissed me on the cheek. She's acted this way toward me before, but it's always when we've all been drinking. (But not really drunk) I said "I think that's the beer talking" and she just said matter of factly "No it's not".


I don't know if that's enough to make a guess on, but what the %$@& is going on.




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Jump her bones.


But seriously folks...


Sounds like she's interested in more than just friendship with you.

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I bet she is interested in you. She just doesn't want to take a real chance. When she gets a couple drinks in her she opens mouth inserts foot a little. I do that.


If your interested ask her. If you get a no she is only interested as your friend then her "I love you" is just as a friend.


I have said this to male friends before. But I also make it clear I only am speaking as a friend nothing more.

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I have said this to male friends before. But I also make it clear I only am speaking as a friend nothing more.

Ya mean, when you said that to me the other night, you were speaking as a friend???:D


oh shat

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You better go for it if you are ready to dump the gal you are with now. Just make sure to make up your mind about your present relationship before making a move on this gal. but, it is a try and see thing. It may go nowhere. Some times it sucks to be in a relationship because it seems opportunities that you have been waiting around for ever just seem to fall into place. But you are not available.


No doubt it is the Sistahood playing with your mind. they are watching you , you know:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah man im in a similar situation ,,it sounds as though she def has something for you,, and honestly sometimes it takes something to bring the feeling out ,, but you ahve to decide if its worth it so scrap everything with your g/f to try thing out with her,, like i said it sem like she digs you but alcohol will make you speak the truth and alos exagerate it at some points to ,, so id take it a lil further and see if she keeps advancing on you

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Ya mean, when you said that to me the other night, you were speaking as a friend???:D


oh shat


Were U tryin to get in my pants again Slubber?? :lmao:

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If you're both single, ask her out and see how things go. You do have the courage to ask her on a date, do ya? ;):p

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