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'I've always cared about you'


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What does this even mean??

I'm not in a relationship with the person who said it. We did sleep together years and years ago but he is older than me so it didn't work out. I was in a bad place too back then and became quite stalkers for a while.

We got chatting recently and I mentioned I would like us to try and be friends and he said "I've always cared about you, but I need to be able to trust you not to take advantage of that". I get the last part, it means he doesn't want me to be crazy stalker again (I've been diagnosed and medicated for anxiety since then and don't that kind of thing anymore), but what does I've always cared about you, mean? 


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I would interpret it as fondness as for a friend or a pet or a cat, something that is more affection or fondness possibly because he’s known you awhile.

If you have feelings for him, let him go. This means thanks but no thanks. You have bigger things to do and other people to meet. 

Edited by glows
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I can't really tell because I don't know this guy. Maybe he said that as to lure you back for sex. That would make sense to me because you got too clingy for him when he just wanted sex. Do you not find it strange he is in contact with you? I would. I would be on the cautious side of this. Guys will do and say anything to have someone to keep their bed warn at night. I think he's taking another shot because things are a little dry right now. I had a guy call me out of the blue years later....told him I was married. That was the end of it. I know what he was fishing for, and it was sex.

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20 minutes ago, alasia said:

We got chatting recently and I mentioned I would like us to try and be friends and he said "I've always cared about you, but I need to be able to trust you not to take advantage of that". I get the last part, it means he doesn't want me to be crazy stalker again 

How did it come about that you started chatting again? It sounds like he's trying to be kind/diplomatic, but does not really welcome contact.

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Care/concern for your well-being, I’d guess, since you had some mental health issues. 
Glad you are doing better. Don’t fall back into the obsessive thoughts

Edited by Cookiesandough
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Interpret this as he cared for you a d your well being and likely has a place in his heart for you.

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It means what he said: he has always cared about you. Why would it mean anything different?

The rest of it sounds like he does not want to get involved romantically again.

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It sounds like he cares about you but was concerned about your behaviour last time.

Do you really want to be in touch with this guy again?  Some things are best put in the past.

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