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too eager?

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Why is it that every time I get attached to a girl i want to take it more seriously and it seems like she just wants to play around until it gets old or the next 'toy' comes around. But I start thinking and seeing if this is the one and if I can start a lifetime relationship?


Are girls more weary or am I too eager?

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i think you've been hitting immature girls ... go for older ones if u'r looking for lifetime committment. the ones who wants toys are simply not experienced enough yet to settle down.


good luck!

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But shouldnt there be some my age too if I feel ready now?

i think you've been hitting immature girls ... go for older ones if u'r looking for lifetime committment. the ones who wants toys are simply not experienced enough yet to settle down. good luck!
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You don't need to get a lifetime relationship started with every girl you get attached to. If that were true, I would have more than 20 or 30 lifetime relationships going right now.


It's pretty human to get attached to people you're around a lot, whether they be friends or ladies you date. But females are made a little differently. Until they're ready for a long term relationship, it doesn't matter what guy they may go out with or get to know, it's just not going to happen until they are good and ready. Actually, it's that way for men too so you must be ready for some sort of relationship.


Get out, have fun, don't take life or dating so seriously. When you care the least and are looking the least...that's when THE ONE comes into the lives of many, many people. So don't work so hard at finding someone for yourself. She'll come when you least expect it. As a matter of fact, when she starts pressing for a relationship, you may resist yourself.


Women respond lots more favorably to a guy who is very cool, aloof, unpredictable and who is a challenge. If you're dealing with young or immature girls, once they know you're wanting to get serious with them many will no longer be challenged and will simply get bored.


Chill out and don't be in such a hurry. Once you get married, you'll have years of bills, house payments, screaming kids, inlaws, late hours at work, etc. and you'll wish you had taken lots more time enjoying playing the field.

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Dude...mono..de..mono! Don't give your heart away so quikly. It won't only hurt you but it also freaks most women out!!! Just ease into it. Look at dating like this. Think of it as trying on shoes. If you see a pair of shoes you like, try them on, if they fit great, if not, put em' back in the box bro! Dating is the exact same concept. Look at everything in a woman, then you will know how you feel. Because looking at everything takes time! Good Luck!!!

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Thanks that helped, I guess you just have to look at the positives and wait out until its truly time

Dude...mono..de..mono! Don't give your heart away so quikly. It won't only hurt you but it also freaks most women out!!! Just ease into it. Look at dating like this. Think of it as trying on shoes. If you see a pair of shoes you like, try them on, if they fit great, if not, put em' back in the box bro! Dating is the exact same concept. Look at everything in a woman, then you will know how you feel. Because looking at everything takes time! Good Luck!!!
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