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Relationship problem

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So I've been feeling like my girl has been talking to someone else and wen I speak on its it's always flipped I ask her to prove to me she ain't and she tells me to just trust wen she lost my trust along time ago and I tell her to gain it it's not just given and we have a 17 nother daughter together so I've been getting help with my mental illiness bipolar and major depression disorder how can I tell or catch her up in lies

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Once trust is gone (for me anyway) it's over. And all this probably isn't helping your mental health situation so I would seriously consider whether the relationships is worth it, children or not. Do you want children growing up in the that environment where her parents don't have a safe and happy relationship? Kids do pick up on this stuff.

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4 hours ago, Aj1987 said:

So I've been feeling like my girl has been talking to someone else 

It's best to follow up with your doctors and therapists to take care of yourself.

Keep in mind that if it's not under control you could have run away paranoid thoughts. 

You have "a feeling" she's talking to someone? What exactly is there to prove or disprove? 

If you have reason to believe the mother of your child/partner is cheating, ask your doctors to recommend a couple's therapist to get the issues addressed.

Otherwise  asking her to "prove she ain't" won't resolve your suspiciousness.


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8 hours ago, Aj1987 said:

So I've been feeling like my girl has been talking to someone else

"She's not yours, it's only your turn". 

"Actions speak louder than words". Look at her actions. cheaters will lie.

8 hours ago, Aj1987 said:

I've been getting help with my mental illiness bipolar and major depression disorder

Look after yourself. Protect yourself. If you think she is cheating, use protection and flush the condom when finished. Last thing you want is another child. Maybe a DNA test for you and your daughter. If she's not yours and mum is running around why would you want to stay???

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You have a child.  The child's needs come 1st.  

If you have no trust in your baby mamma, you have no relationship but you still have to co-parent.  So try sitting down with her & talk about your relationship goals, her needs & expectations.  Discuss the concept of trust but verify.  What is it that you want to see, what proof do you want that she's not cheating on you?  If you get a hold of her phone & find out there is somebody else, then what?  

An emotional reaction doesn't serve you well now. 

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