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hypoglycemia results?

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hypoglycemia results?

i'm really very confused now, my test results both fasting and non fasting were normal so now my dr. is saying that i don't have hypoglycemia, which is great if i believed her.


i told her my symptoms of anxiety and excessive hunger and how eating something good is the only thing that seems to relieve me of the symptoms.


she wanted to know if i have tried getting past them without eating and i said "no" and she wants me to try breathing and relaxtion to see if i can get past the anxiety.


i'm scared to death to even try this, i already know how weak and shakey i get when i don't eat. i have gained three pounds in a week from eating every 1-2 hours.


she also put me on paxil for the anxiety, which i am taking at 10mgs right now for a week or two then go up on it. what is your opinion on this? please help! thank you.

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Assuming you have changed to a doctor you feel is competent, I think you should follow his/her instructions and trust the diagnosis.


If you continue to have these symptoms, you may have to be tested for some other ailment such as hyperthyroidism, other thyroid disease, etc. Your doctor should be doing this automatically.


You also need to reduce your attention to your symptoms. And why are you eating every 1 to 2 hours. That's nuts if you don't have a blood sugar problem.


You better stick with medical opinions here. I haven't seen you, haven't seen your test results, haven't talked to you, don't have your medical records, don't know you personality and, most of all, I AM NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR.


Usually if a phsycian is unable to find a physical causation for any malady, the patient is referred to a psychiatrist for further consultation.


As for Paxil, it's an excellent drug for a number of problems with few side effects that many other anti-depressants.


Don't turn into a hypochondriac. Get yourself together ASAP.

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hypoglycemia results?

thank you tony, unfortunately i am seeing the same dr. but my boyfriend may help me pay to go to another clinic. my test's are all normal and they left it at that. i eat every two hours cause i am famished and full of anxiety until i do, yet my blood sugar is normal? i have been reading about adrenal gland weakness and am going to ask for testing for this tomorrow, hopefully she will do it.


it's hard not to focus on the symptoms when they are making me weak and shakey, but i try to get past them, my dr. told me to do relaxation and deep breathing, but that is hard to do when you are crawling out of your skin.


i also have hypothyrodism but my tsh is low enough where i don't need meds yet, it is only at 6 and this is before i had any symptoms of friday when they all started. i'll keep plugging away until i find a reason for this. thank you

Assuming you have changed to a doctor you feel is competent, I think you should follow his/her instructions and trust the diagnosis. If you continue to have these symptoms, you may have to be tested for some other ailment such as hyperthyroidism, other thyroid disease, etc. Your doctor should be doing this automatically.


You also need to reduce your attention to your symptoms. And why are you eating every 1 to 2 hours. That's nuts if you don't have a blood sugar problem. You better stick with medical opinions here. I haven't seen you, haven't seen your test results, haven't talked to you, don't have your medical records, don't know you personality and, most of all, I AM NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR. Usually if a phsycian is unable to find a physical causation for any malady, the patient is referred to a psychiatrist for further consultation.


As for Paxil, it's an excellent drug for a number of problems with few side effects that many other anti-depressants. Don't turn into a hypochondriac. Get yourself together ASAP.

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