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What should I do to cope up?


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Hello Again everyone.

Finally my boyfriend broke up with me. Of course who would have stayed with a partner who is quiet and putting no efforts. It's like a tag of a relationship where there are no efforts...but of course I loved him and I had the regret feeling everyday . In this 4 months the last 2 months I never called him, I just texted very dry.  Of course I was aware but I just kept on thinking to do this or that but I never implemented. My boyfriend tried to make me socialize I said no even at that time. He was helping me but I never wanted to try to work on this relationship and now he broke up with me and I am really so guilty it feels like I would never forgive myself.Some people will tell me that, it's for your better but I know this relationship could have worked more he knows the value of this relationship and also I know his intentions and how he is. It's clearly all my fault. You guys just look at the fact I never tried. I kept on thinking I never tried to make this relationship work on. What should I do now. I am seriously so broken. 

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I'm sorry you are hurting but in the end this is for the best.  You can't see that right now & it certainly doesn't heal the pain you are feeling. 

Go ahead & grieve for what you think you lost.  Tears are cathartic.   Today is Wednesday. . .wallow for the rest of the week & through the weekend if you like but then pull yourself together.  

Reflect on what happened.  Think about how you might come out of your shell more in the future with a local boy your own age.   Don't be so quick to get into an on-line anything next time.  

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23 minutes ago, d0nnivain said:

I'm sorry you are hurting but in the end this is for the best.  You can't see that right now & it certainly doesn't heal the pain you are feeling. 

Go ahead & grieve for what you think you lost.  Tears are cathartic.   Today is Wednesday. . .wallow for the rest of the week & through the weekend if you like but then pull yourself together.  

Reflect on what happened.  Think about how you might come out of your shell more in the future with a local boy your own age.   Don't be so quick to get into an on-line anything next time.  

I know it's the best for me. I am sometimes just laughing and being normal and in the next min just crying over our memories. I miss him I crave to talk with him but again I fail to express myself. We are friends now and he said you will be the closest person though you wanna delete me from everywhere. I know time would help me. 

But how could I forgive myself? I didn't put any efforts.. And this ended because of me he waited 2 months

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5 hours ago, Priya said:

But how could I forgive myself? I didn't put any efforts.. And this ended because of me he waited 2 months

By understanding that this was going to end anyway. The logisitics were working against you and it wasn't meant to last. 

Follow @d0nnivain's advice for moving past this. You will be okay again soon. 

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