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How to find another nympho?

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First off, is it possible for a guy to be a nympho?? if it is i think i am one. how do u find girls that are nymphos? is there a way to tell? i think the only way i could be happy is to find one, is there something other than the internet i could use instead of getting to know girls before finding out whether or not they are one

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Try this. It'll get straight to the point. No wasting time getting to know her.


You: "Hi, I'm UpandDown."

Girl: "I'm [insert girl's name here]."

You: "I haven't seen you here before. So... you a nympho?"


Or if you don't want to waste those precious seconds it took introducing yourself and getting her name, go straight to "Hi. Are you a nympho." Alternately, you could also skip the word "hi".

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If you are ridiculing me...i dont need it right now...if your serious..i wouldnt have the courage


Sorry, man, but I didn't think you could possibly be serious. Your question sounded like "How can I tell if I'm going to get a lot of sex without wasting too much time on a girl?"


What I said would probably actually work. You'd get slapped a lot for it, but you'd better believe that if a girl did respond positively, you'd have what you were looking for.

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First off, is it possible for a guy to be a nympho?? if it is i think i am one. how do u find girls that are nymphos? is there a way to tell? i think the only way i could be happy is to find one, is there something other than the internet i could use instead of getting to know girls before finding out whether or not they are one


Try like me and control yourself..

Where were you 3 months ago? haha..

I've been called a nyph when I'm involved with someone. T

he guy I'm dating now is holding off for at least one month. It's maddening.....


I don't think there is anyway to know if a girl is a nymph unless she sleeps around a lot. I would say that is a tell-tale sign. But then the question remains if she would stay true to you..

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considering that in your other post you said you're 16 and the extent of your sexual encounters was making out with a girl, I really highly recomend you spend some time exploring your sexuality before deciding that you're a nympho. Just because you think about sex alot or are horny all the time doesn't make you one. Infact, I think it's safe to assume alot of guys are that way.

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