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I just need to get this off my chest. 

We’re dealing with delta here, we’ve had over a thousand cases after our lockdown started with one case. 

The numbers are dropping off now and we’re all hoping lockdown will end soon. I work in a low risk laboratory testing for the dreaded bug! 

I’ve found positive tests on two shifts within the last week and I work mainly alone.. it’s a huge shock when I’ve not had any positive tests until now..,  and it’s really hard to deal with mentally for me.. I double and triple check my results, knowing that these people will be put into quarantine, and knowing that my work will make the news.

 I know things are much worse elsewhere and I’m proud of our community response to the pandemic but I’m still feeling very on edge knowing that my work has effects on the entire country and ends up as a news item. It’s hard to sleep at night. 

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I am so sorry this is stressing you out.  Try looking at it in a more positive light.  You are identifying folks so they can quarantine & prevent further spread.  

I was exposed but didn't know for 5 days. I was terrified I passed it on inadvertently.  I did get it but fortunately had a mild case.  While there are far too many people who have serious cases & those are the headline grabbers, thousands of people just get a cold & it's not that terrible.  This doesn't diminish the risks but I offer my experience to quell fears.  

Hang in there.  

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10 hours ago, mrs rubble said:

but I’m still feeling very on edge knowing that my work has effects on the entire country and ends up as a news item. It’s hard to sleep at night. 

Ah wel, good to be in a job where you are doing something beneficial for society.

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