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Deeper than normal deep sleeper

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So I'm a deep sleeper, deeper than normal I would say. I also have a hard time falling asleep, but when I do I'm out like a light bulb. I don't wake up in my sleep in the middle of the night and it takes a lot for me to wake up, someone physically waking me up usually works best but I've been on my own for about 6 months. Recently, I have been over sleeping. Usually I will oversleep for work for about 20-30 mins, but this morning was the worse. I over slept four hours and it's now affecting me. Luckily my boss is pretty understandable, and he also offered to help by calling me in the mornings at 5am to get me up, but I've even made a couple alarms on my phone as my ring tone, still slept through all of them. 

Do anybody else have a similar problem? I'm opened to all and any help.     

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I, too, am a deep sleeper, and I used to have a lot of difficulty waking up, but for some reason, I now wake up naturally.

Getting enough sunlight throughout the day?

There are shock clock watch gadgets that you can wear around your wrist that help wake you up but I am not sure how successful they are.

Hope you find a solution.

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The 5am starts sound early to me!

Have you been doing that long? how many hours sleep were you having generally in the past say year or so.

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On 10/13/2021 at 10:46 AM, ItsTheDay said:

 I also have a hard time falling asleep. I over slept four hours and it's now affecting me.

Do you have insomnia? Are you drinking, taking sleep meds, remedies, etc before bed? What time do you have to get up/leave for work? 

Are you getting enough hours of sleep? Are you stopping all caffeine at least 6 hours before you need to  go to sleep? 

Sounds like a few lifestyle changes would help, but focusing on falling asleep better.

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On 10/15/2021 at 1:35 PM, Wiseman2 said:

Do you have insomnia? Are you drinking, taking sleep meds, remedies, etc before bed? What time do you have to get up/leave for work? 

Are you getting enough hours of sleep? Are you stopping all caffeine at least 6 hours before you need to  go to sleep? 

Sounds like a few lifestyle changes would help, but focusing on falling asleep better.

I don't think I have insomnia, When I sleep, I sleep good and don't wake up in the middle of the night. If I do wake up, I have no problem falling back to sleep. No, I know I'm not getting enough hours of sleep. My work hours are 6:30am to 4pm, I try getting up around 5am. I get home around 4:30, take a pre workout before the gym which has 275mg of caffeine, at the gym around 5pm and back home between 6:30-7pm. I shower, eat and am usually in bed by 11pm. 

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3 hours ago, ItsTheDay said:

take a pre workout before the gym which has 275mg of caffeine, at the gym around 5pm 

That's about ~3 cups of coffee and takes 6 hours to clear so it may disrupt sleep. Try having it earlier or cutting back. 11p - 5a is 6 hours, no wonder you're dragging. Skip the caffeine and get in bed by 9. Eat earlier.

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