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Hello everyone, Iam looking for any advises for all of you :)

During pandemic and lockdown i looked for partner on dating apps, and lucky me :) i found nice and kind guy and firstly he was so careful, like he searched and found my linkedln,   hahahahaah 

at the time being, i felt like connection with him and enjoyed so much our textionship via dating apps. 

before summer holiday, he asked for video call and we changed our mobile phone, even summer holiday he still managed to text. i was so happy at that time :)

after months we still texting and i can saw his consistency to keep our communication even on work days, 

i didnt find another guy on that dating apps, because i want to focus to him but sometime i found he still on that dating apps. i didn't blame him because we haven't any commitment.   on Monday, 2 weeks ago, with all my bravery, i told him that i like him , what he felt and future plan?  he said that he like me but unsure with this LDR ( our distance is about 18K kms hahahhah), what to do to make it works?  when or what time we can meet? he just once have dating experience 

on my thought  LRD can works with efforts and commitment, i find easy if you have same mutual effort and future plan.                                                            

i felt upset at that time, so i just said to him, "iam waiting him to come and have seriously talk and i can go to his hometown after that, but in the mean time, please think carefully of what you really want, and i will make distant so he can think clearly"

he replied, he dont know when the time to visit me. 

sometime i still crying when i miss him, but this is something that he should discover with himself. 

Did i rush the time on him? 

thanks before for any feedback :)) 


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18 kilometers? How long distance is this actually? Maybe I misread or misunderstand....... but 18 kilometers is like 20 minutes away in my world. 

Regardless of the distance.... he sounds busy, married, not that into you or something.  A man who wants you will meet you. Right now this is just all pen pal fantasy nonsense and you should stop being invested in this because he just isn't that into you. He sounds married if Im being honest.  

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8 minutes ago, Daisydooks said:

18 kilometers? How long distance is this actually? Maybe I misread or misunderstand....... but 18 kilometers is like 20 minutes away in my world. 

I caught that too (lol).

2 minutes ago, HimeHan said:

youre guys so funny :D i meant 18K kms aka 18,000 kms, on our first video call he look like living alone, if i can say 

11,000 miles, does he live in Nepal?

Why so far OP?


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5 minutes ago, HimeHan said:



youre guys so funny :D i meant 18K kms aka 18,000 kms, on our first video call he look like living alone, if i can say 


Ok hahahaha good. I was like 18 km?!?! Thats down the road! 😂

So you've texted and stuff and facetimed once? Or a few times? Since when? When did this situationship begin?  Either way, if he wanted to meet, you wouldnt feel like you were forcing him to and asking us if you moved too fast. He seems like a pen pal 

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7 minutes ago, HimeHan said:



youre guys so funny :D i meant 18K kms aka 18,000 kms, on our first video call he look like living alone, if i can say 


Ok,  but any married man could sit on his couch at home and chat while his wife is out or working.  The reality is with him being this far away, you really have no idea who he is. Just who he says he is. He could tell you all sorts of things but without actually knowing him at all, its all just a fantasy and I worry you'll invest your heart in something/someone who will always just remain a text buddy

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@Daisydooksyeah thats right, we dont know the reality, 

but can i say he really single but so shy ?  , we textionship for 4 months 

@Alpacalol, hes a monk? 😂 

i never did LDR or looking for someone far far away, but because pandemic and physical distancing :D😂

hes so unsure and introvert person, thats really different energy with me, lol 

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7 minutes ago, HimeHan said:

@Alpacalol, hes a monk? 😂 

i never did LDR or looking for someone far far away, but because pandemic and physical distancing :D😂

hes so unsure and introvert person, thats really different energy with me, lol 

He might just be. 🙏

But in all seriousness, 11,000 is very far.

That is a lot of air travel time, the costs associated with it, etc.


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3 hours ago, HimeHan said:

 after months we still texting . our distance is about 18K kms hahahhah

Sorry this happened. So many red flags from the extreme distance to texting to stalking your social media.

Delete and block him from all your social media and messaging apps. 

He seems like a scammer, catfish or in a relationship.

Next time, date only local real life men who meet in a timely fashion. Avoid red flags 🚩 like extreme distance and too much texting without meeting.

Is there any reason you are looking this far away?

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3 hours ago, HimeHan said:

@Daisydooksyeah thats right, we dont know the reality, 

but can i say he really single but so shy ?  , we textionship for 4 months 

@Alpacalol, hes a monk? 😂 

i never did LDR or looking for someone far far away, but because pandemic and physical distancing :D😂

hes so unsure and introvert person, thats really different energy with me, lol 

4 months of texting? Nope! Move on, hun. This is dead in the water and never going to go anywhere. Dont waste your heart, time or energy on this. What about this is attractive or desirable to you? I dont get it. Lol

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4 hours ago, HimeHan said:

@Daisydooks  we textionship for 4 months 

@Alpacalol, hes a monk? 😂 

What is "textionship"? Do you mean texting relationship or textbuddy or penpal because it's so far away?

Never communicate with someone you can't meet in person within a couple of weeks. It's that simple.

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