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Love during exchange MATCH

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I met a girl a week ago, had some good conversations with her. We are a good match! Saw her yesterday again and slept over because the last train home was already gone. We talked for hours, started hugging, then kissing and then the rest .. . But the point is, I'm an exchange student only staying for one more month:( and when we talked about it, she was more into the thing it is just for one month.. and that it won't be a real relationship. However in the morning the chemistry between us was different and more special then before. Today she called me and told me she was going to another guy's place and she asked if it was okay if she would make out with another guy since we are not "together". I answered, that it's true what she says and she needs to do what's she wants too. However she starts already being a bit special to me.. (so it did hurt a bit). I kinda love her in a way. Tomorrow we'll go to the cinema together with some of her friends afterwards we will all sleep over at her place. And I don't know if I should tell her what I think and feel for her, should I ask her if she is in for something serious, and maybe long term when I go back? The thing is: I don't wanna feel broke at the end of the month because if we are in for something serious, then I'm sure it will last and it's not all for nothing. But if she looks at it and says right now: For a month and then over, it will mentally break me.. she will mean a lot to me, but I won't for her. Do you get it? What am I supposed to do, should I talk with her tomorrow or wait? 

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46 minutes ago, Bob von Austria said:

. Today she called me and told me she was going to another guy's place and she asked if it was okay if she would make out with another guy since we are not "together".

Ok. You had a fun hookup. Hopefully you used condoms and get tested for STDs. 

Sounds like she's playing immature games even mentioning it.

After 1 hook-up she doesn't need your permission to hookup with others, so it seems like she was trying to make you jealous or make some sort of point.


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14 hours ago, Siis_sok said:

Today she called me and told me she was going to another guy's place and she asked if it was okay if she would make out with another guy since we are not "together".

If someone said this to me after a hook up I would think they are silly as hell and would have told her to please do just that and then block her.

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