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Daughter on holiday.


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She is only 20, What can i expect of her on holiday where kids are reputed to go wild, Am I kidding myself that she will stay ladylike?

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This is the hard part of parenting, trusting that you've taught them well and now as adults they will conduct themselves accordingly.  

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On 11/5/2021 at 3:31 PM, deepthinking said:

She is only 20, What can i expect of her on holiday where kids are reputed to go wild, Am I kidding myself that she will stay ladylike?

If there's are wet t-shirt contests, she won't send you pics, lets leave it at that.

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Yes, you're kidding yourself.  I'm not convinced that any 20yo girl is "ladylike" away from those who expect ladylike behaviour.  I'm sure she'll laugh too loud and tell dirty jokes and drink shots of heaven knows what. 

As @FMW said now is the time for you to trust that you've raised her well.    When my daughter went on a HS graduation trip with her friends, it was to an area with no mobile phone reception, so a number of the kids in the group did first aid courses before they went.  I was so proud of them for being sensible.   Better to focus on knowing that they'll put a semi conscious drunk friend into the recovery position than being concerned about them being ladylike.  

Edited by basil67
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