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For as long as I can remember, I've always been overweight and pretty much lazy. Growing up this affected me, making me have a low self-esteem and not being very involved in social activities. Because of my weight issue, not very many people had anything to do with me.


I was pushed, teased, and I never stuck up for myself. It was like this up to and throughout high school. Because of this, I never had any friends. I had a best friend up until around 9th grade, eventually we went different directions and he became involved with drugs.


I was virtually friendless, having only one friend which was the girl in which I once dated. Even during and after high school I avoided going places, I didn't like to going into public because the way I looked.


Rather than wearing normal clothes, I work jackets to hide what I was embarassed about. I would wear jackets even when it was 70 degrees out, it got to a point that I hated myself.


I graduated high school over 2 years ago, got a job and in the last year I've changed dramastically. I've changed in ways I thought wasn't possible and ways I didn't think existed.


Nearly a year ago I decided it was time to lose weight, I decided I no longer wanted to be the "fat guy" nor did I want to be ashamed of myself. I was tired of it all, I was tired of being ugly, I was tired of being lonely, and I was tired of feeling crappy.


So I went to the doctor to find out a good diet plan. I immediately began to cut back on what I ate, I cut out pop drinking only diet pop or water. I cut back on fast food, even taking out my daily trip to Sonic for my hicory cheeseburger, large fries and large soft drink.


I cut back on the fat intake and calories. I began understanding how to read the nutrient labels on things, I began watching what I intaked on a daily basis. I taught myself to contain my hunger, I taught myself not to over eat and when I did eat, to eat healthy.


I began walking nightly, first few weeks walking 1 mile. Then it turned out to be 1.5 miles, so on and so on until I reached walking 3 miles. I continued this for weeks, for months, I did it nightly except weekends to avoid the weekend traffic not wanting to get killed by those who drink and drive.


I noticed a change, I began weighing myself often and notice I was losing weight. Started with losing 3 pounds, then 5, then 10, then 20, then even 30 pounds. WOW!!! Fantastic. It's been a year since I started, I cannot give the exact number of months, but I would say around a year.


After a wonderful year of dieting, and I'm still continuing, I've lost 76 pounds. This took me from weighing 288 pounds, UGH, to a weight of 212 pounds. I've accomplished something in which I thought was impossible, something I thought I could never do and never dreamed of doing.


I've thought about losing weight, I've said I would do it then never followed through. Not only am I continuing to walk on a regularly basis, but 3 days ago I've taken to lifting weights after buying a weight set in hopes to get rid of the fat in my chest... known as man boobs.


I've lost 76 pounds, but now I need to not only continue my weight loss but now it's time to tighten up my muscles and turn my fat into muscles making my chest flat like it should be.


The moral of the story; Don't let being overweight keep you unhappy, don't let it ruin your life. For so many years I've put it off, but I have no taken control of my situation. I know what it's like, I know how it is to think it's not possible.


I will admit, you will not see results the first week, the second week, or not even the third week. But if you keep going, you WILL see results like never before. Not only will you notice you're losing weight, but you know those jeans you bought? Yes, well you will notice them becoming less tighter and will soon need a belt to hold them up.


Then before too long your belt will be so huge that you'll need a new one, then your jeans will be so big on you they'll fall to the floor unless you hold them.


All it takes is motivation. Find that motivation. So what gave me my motivation? Well, I work behind the scenes in Broadcasting at a local station and once had to do a story about a guy that at the age of 20 suffered a heart attack because he weighed nearly 300 pounds.


This gentleman had some sort of diease that prevented him to losing weight. Because of this, he had to have liposuction to have all the fat removed, then had his skin stapled and can only eat very little a day or it'll make him sick.


Doing this, I knew sooner or later I would be inviting death into my life. I began understanding how being overweight is nothing more than slow suicide. I'm now happier than I ever been, while I am still overweight I cannot even begin to tell you how awesome I feel.


I've had dozens of people come up to me at work, in personal life, and even friends of mine at the police department compliment me on my fantastic adventure in losing weight.


Just a few weeks ago I ran into a guy I use to work with, he came to me and said I looked familiar and I told him who I was and he nearly flipped out because he didn't recognize me.


This alone is a reward of it's own, but the biggest reward is knowing I will be around for many years now. For each pound I lose, the easier my heart has it.


Losing weight is tough, it is a long road and it takes effort to keep control of yourself and what you eat. But in the long run, you will be happier than you've ever been and you'll feel much better than you ever been.


I honetly hope that anyone that is overweight that thinks they can't lose weight will look at this and realize that it is possible and that it can be done with time and effort. I hope that people doesn't become discouraged because they don't notice anything within a month. This is normal, typically you will see results two months afterwards. I know I did.


And once you get the weight off, it's easy to keep off; at least for me. And you know what? Walking is no longer a workout for me, it's more than that. It's something I love, something I can do and enjoy. Not only does it give me time away from things, but it when walking I can release stress, I can think about things and organize my mind and clear my mind.


This has been a fantastic year for me, my clothes were so huge on me that I just went out and spent $300 on a new wardrobe. It was one hell of a ride, and I am now excited to tone up the other fat and turn it into muscles to then see how I look.


I'm still not happy with how my body looks, fat and flabby, but with the help of weight lifting I seriously hope to change that and I think it will happen.

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WOW...IS RIGHT!!! What you did was absolutely great...and by all means continue.


Weight management is a lifelong project. Once you get to your desired weight, you have to continue eating right and watching those sweets. More than 85 percent of people who lose weight gain it back and more. So the real challenge is ahead.


I'm so glad you are looking better, feeling better and have a new attitude. What you have written is an inspiration to everyone...thin or overweight.


Thank you for sharing. What you have done is nothing short of TERRIFIC!!!

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I think your an inspiration, that is awsome what you have done, keep up the great job and will we see you on Jenny Jones someday? Thanks for an inspirational story!!!


WOW...IS RIGHT!!! What you did was absolutely great...and by all means continue. Weight management is a lifelong project. Once you get to your desired weight, you have to continue eating right and watching those sweets. More than 85 percent of people who lose weight gain it back and more. So the real challenge is ahead. I'm so glad you are looking better, feeling better and have a new attitude. What you have written is an inspiration to everyone...thin or overweight. Thank you for sharing. What you have done is nothing short of TERRIFIC!!!
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Dude....I can't even describe how much I can relate to that. I have always been kinda short and thin. But since I took up surfing and working out regularly and eating more (good food that is), I've been feeling so good about myself. I've gained about 20 pounds and am holding steady at 150lbs. Where I used to weigh about 130lbs. I think that is so kick ass what you are doing and keep it up, and don't let anything get in the way of that...now get off the computer and go get buff!!!

For as long as I can remember, I've always been overweight and pretty much lazy. Growing up this affected me, making me have a low self-esteem and not being very involved in social activities. Because of my weight issue, not very many people had anything to do with me. I was pushed, teased, and I never stuck up for myself. It was like this up to and throughout high school. Because of this, I never had any friends. I had a best friend up until around 9th grade, eventually we went different directions and he became involved with drugs. I was virtually friendless, having only one friend which was the girl in which I once dated. Even during and after high school I avoided going places, I didn't like to going into public because the way I looked. Rather than wearing normal clothes, I work jackets to hide what I was embarassed about. I would wear jackets even when it was 70 degrees out, it got to a point that I hated myself. I graduated high school over 2 years ago, got a job and in the last year I've changed dramastically. I've changed in ways I thought wasn't possible and ways I didn't think existed. Nearly a year ago I decided it was time to lose weight, I decided I no longer wanted to be the "fat guy" nor did I want to be ashamed of myself. I was tired of it all, I was tired of being ugly, I was tired of being lonely, and I was tired of feeling crappy. So I went to the doctor to find out a good diet plan. I immediately began to cut back on what I ate, I cut out pop drinking only diet pop or water. I cut back on fast food, even taking out my daily trip to Sonic for my hicory cheeseburger, large fries and large soft drink. I cut back on the fat intake and calories. I began understanding how to read the nutrient labels on things, I began watching what I intaked on a daily basis. I taught myself to contain my hunger, I taught myself not to over eat and when I did eat, to eat healthy. I began walking nightly, first few weeks walking 1 mile. Then it turned out to be 1.5 miles, so on and so on until I reached walking 3 miles. I continued this for weeks, for months, I did it nightly except weekends to avoid the weekend traffic not wanting to get killed by those who drink and drive. I noticed a change, I began weighing myself often and notice I was losing weight. Started with losing 3 pounds, then 5, then 10, then 20, then even 30 pounds. WOW!!! Fantastic. It's been a year since I started, I cannot give the exact number of months, but I would say around a year.


After a wonderful year of dieting, and I'm still continuing, I've lost 76 pounds. This took me from weighing 288 pounds, UGH, to a weight of 212 pounds. I've accomplished something in which I thought was impossible, something I thought I could never do and never dreamed of doing. I've thought about losing weight, I've said I would do it then never followed through. Not only am I continuing to walk on a regularly basis, but 3 days ago I've taken to lifting weights after buying a weight set in hopes to get rid of the fat in my chest... known as man boobs. I've lost 76 pounds, but now I need to not only continue my weight loss but now it's time to tighten up my muscles and turn my fat into muscles making my chest flat like it should be.


The moral of the story; Don't let being overweight keep you unhappy, don't let it ruin your life. For so many years I've put it off, but I have no taken control of my situation. I know what it's like, I know how it is to think it's not possible. I will admit, you will not see results the first week, the second week, or not even the third week. But if you keep going, you WILL see results like never before. Not only will you notice you're losing weight, but you know those jeans you bought? Yes, well you will notice them becoming less tighter and will soon need a belt to hold them up. Then before too long your belt will be so huge that you'll need a new one, then your jeans will be so big on you they'll fall to the floor unless you hold them. All it takes is motivation. Find that motivation. So what gave me my motivation? Well, I work behind the scenes in Broadcasting at a local station and once had to do a story about a guy that at the age of 20 suffered a heart attack because he weighed nearly 300 pounds. This gentleman had some sort of diease that prevented him to losing weight. Because of this, he had to have liposuction to have all the fat removed, then had his skin stapled and can only eat very little a day or it'll make him sick.


Doing this, I knew sooner or later I would be inviting death into my life. I began understanding how being overweight is nothing more than slow suicide. I'm now happier than I ever been, while I am still overweight I cannot even begin to tell you how awesome I feel. I've had dozens of people come up to me at work, in personal life, and even friends of mine at the police department compliment me on my fantastic adventure in losing weight. Just a few weeks ago I ran into a guy I use to work with, he came to me and said I looked familiar and I told him who I was and he nearly flipped out because he didn't recognize me. This alone is a reward of it's own, but the biggest reward is knowing I will be around for many years now. For each pound I lose, the easier my heart has it. Losing weight is tough, it is a long road and it takes effort to keep control of yourself and what you eat. But in the long run, you will be happier than you've ever been and you'll feel much better than you ever been. I honetly hope that anyone that is overweight that thinks they can't lose weight will look at this and realize that it is possible and that it can be done with time and effort. I hope that people doesn't become discouraged because they don't notice anything within a month. This is normal, typically you will see results two months afterwards. I know I did. And once you get the weight off, it's easy to keep off; at least for me. And you know what? Walking is no longer a workout for me, it's more than that. It's something I love, something I can do and enjoy. Not only does it give me time away from things, but it when walking I can release stress, I can think about things and organize my mind and clear my mind. This has been a fantastic year for me, my clothes were so huge on me that I just went out and spent $300 on a new wardrobe. It was one hell of a ride, and I am now excited to tone up the other fat and turn it into muscles to then see how I look. I'm still not happy with how my body looks, fat and flabby, but with the help of weight lifting I seriously hope to change that and I think it will happen.

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For as long as I can remember, I've always been overweight and pretty much lazy. Growing up this affected me, making me have a low self-esteem and not being very involved in social activities. Because of my weight issue, not very many people had anything to do with me. I was pushed, teased, and I never stuck up for myself. It was like this up to and throughout high school. Because of this, I never had any friends. I had a best friend up until around 9th grade, eventually we went different directions and he became involved with drugs. I was virtually friendless, having only one friend which was the girl in which I once dated. Even during and after high school I avoided going places, I didn't like to going into public because the way I looked. Rather than wearing normal clothes, I work jackets to hide what I was embarassed about. I would wear jackets even when it was 70 degrees out, it got to a point that I hated myself. I graduated high school over 2 years ago, got a job and in the last year I've changed dramastically. I've changed in ways I thought wasn't possible and ways I didn't think existed. Nearly a year ago I decided it was time to lose weight, I decided I no longer wanted to be the "fat guy" nor did I want to be ashamed of myself. I was tired of it all, I was tired of being ugly, I was tired of being lonely, and I was tired of feeling crappy. So I went to the doctor to find out a good diet plan. I immediately began to cut back on what I ate, I cut out pop drinking only diet pop or water. I cut back on fast food, even taking out my daily trip to Sonic for my hicory cheeseburger, large fries and large soft drink. I cut back on the fat intake and calories. I began understanding how to read the nutrient labels on things, I began watching what I intaked on a daily basis. I taught myself to contain my hunger, I taught myself not to over eat and when I did eat, to eat healthy. I began walking nightly, first few weeks walking 1 mile. Then it turned out to be 1.5 miles, so on and so on until I reached walking 3 miles. I continued this for weeks, for months, I did it nightly except weekends to avoid the weekend traffic not wanting to get killed by those who drink and drive. I noticed a change, I began weighing myself often and notice I was losing weight. Started with losing 3 pounds, then 5, then 10, then 20, then even 30 pounds. WOW!!! Fantastic. It's been a year since I started, I cannot give the exact number of months, but I would say around a year.


After a wonderful year of dieting, and I'm still continuing, I've lost 76 pounds. This took me from weighing 288 pounds, UGH, to a weight of 212 pounds. I've accomplished something in which I thought was impossible, something I thought I could never do and never dreamed of doing. I've thought about losing weight, I've said I would do it then never followed through. Not only am I continuing to walk on a regularly basis, but 3 days ago I've taken to lifting weights after buying a weight set in hopes to get rid of the fat in my chest... known as man boobs. I've lost 76 pounds, but now I need to not only continue my weight loss but now it's time to tighten up my muscles and turn my fat into muscles making my chest flat like it should be.


The moral of the story; Don't let being overweight keep you unhappy, don't let it ruin your life. For so many years I've put it off, but I have no taken control of my situation. I know what it's like, I know how it is to think it's not possible. I will admit, you will not see results the first week, the second week, or not even the third week. But if you keep going, you WILL see results like never before. Not only will you notice you're losing weight, but you know those jeans you bought? Yes, well you will notice them becoming less tighter and will soon need a belt to hold them up. Then before too long your belt will be so huge that you'll need a new one, then your jeans will be so big on you they'll fall to the floor unless you hold them. All it takes is motivation. Find that motivation. So what gave me my motivation? Well, I work behind the scenes in Broadcasting at a local station and once had to do a story about a guy that at the age of 20 suffered a heart attack because he weighed nearly 300 pounds. This gentleman had some sort of diease that prevented him to losing weight. Because of this, he had to have liposuction to have all the fat removed, then had his skin stapled and can only eat very little a day or it'll make him sick.


Doing this, I knew sooner or later I would be inviting death into my life. I began understanding how being overweight is nothing more than slow suicide. I'm now happier than I ever been, while I am still overweight I cannot even begin to tell you how awesome I feel. I've had dozens of people come up to me at work, in personal life, and even friends of mine at the police department compliment me on my fantastic adventure in losing weight. Just a few weeks ago I ran into a guy I use to work with, he came to me and said I looked familiar and I told him who I was and he nearly flipped out because he didn't recognize me. This alone is a reward of it's own, but the biggest reward is knowing I will be around for many years now. For each pound I lose, the easier my heart has it. Losing weight is tough, it is a long road and it takes effort to keep control of yourself and what you eat. But in the long run, you will be happier than you've ever been and you'll feel much better than you ever been. I honetly hope that anyone that is overweight that thinks they can't lose weight will look at this and realize that it is possible and that it can be done with time and effort. I hope that people doesn't become discouraged because they don't notice anything within a month. This is normal, typically you will see results two months afterwards. I know I did. And once you get the weight off, it's easy to keep off; at least for me. And you know what? Walking is no longer a workout for me, it's more than that. It's something I love, something I can do and enjoy. Not only does it give me time away from things, but it when walking I can release stress, I can think about things and organize my mind and clear my mind. This has been a fantastic year for me, my clothes were so huge on me that I just went out and spent $300 on a new wardrobe. It was one hell of a ride, and I am now excited to tone up the other fat and turn it into muscles to then see how I look. I'm still not happy with how my body looks, fat and flabby, but with the help of weight lifting I seriously hope to change that and I think it will happen.

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