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I've been here before. I'd like to know if ladies still want a man who doesn't mind having sex on the first date but would still want to get to know them afterwards. It seems awkward but will such free-spirited women still be interested in getting to know a man who might seem weird but has a sensitive side for a long  term relationship even though he's virtually clueless about women

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There's no rules that first date sex does or doesn't lead to relationships.

If there's chemistry and compatibility, you just continue to date.

It's that simple. 

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The question you are asking is kind of loaded.

It issue is... if you are a person who wants to have sex right away... and you make it VERY known to the guy you are meeting with.  He may not have been interested in you past the first date........... but if you throw the offer of sex out there, he will probably take that offer.   In this case, you may have never got a second date anyway.

The second issue is... most guys I've known find it unattractive when a girl is too aggressive.  This has nothing to do with sex... it just has to do with attraction. 

So to your original question of... will a guy stay to get to know you?  Sure... but that assumes he wanted to get to know you past the first date anyway.  Adding sex doesn't change the first condition.  

I know that doesn't really help what you are looking for... but it's just a little insight on what may be going through a guy's mind. 

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Sex is very boring with someone you don't know well enough. It depends on the individual. Don't be surprised if women too lose interest quickly if the interest overall is one-sided or not enough compatibility or interest in other areas.

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Woman's opinion. We don't have the time or want, to help a man lose his training wheels. That's why it's so important to get all the awkwardness out of the way as a teenager. Maybe find a FWB to learn the ropes.

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@Blind-Sided I'm a straight, unrepentantly heterosexual man. I was referring a girl for dating. I have been kind of unlucky with a massive majority of ladies I date. It's as though they're expecting me to either try to rape them before they submit to me or make their choices for them. Many of them just ghost me telling their close confidants that I didn't chase them hard enough. They don't give any indications of their likes or dislikes either expecting me to guess and when I either delay too much or guess, poof! They vanish unannounced

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30 minutes ago, katung44 said:

@Blind-Sided I'm a straight, unrepentantly heterosexual man. I was referring a girl for dating. I have been kind of unlucky with a massive majority of ladies I date. It's as though they're expecting me to either try to rape them before they submit to me or make their choices for them. Many of them just ghost me telling their close confidants that I didn't chase them hard enough. They don't give any indications of their likes or dislikes either expecting me to guess and when I either delay too much or guess, poof! They vanish unannounced

Sorry... I guess I read it backwards.

But you are right... I've been on this forum for a couple years now... and I see it from the girls on both sides.   2 girls will describe the same date... and one will say "He was too aggressive" the other will say "He wasn't aggressive enough".... and there is no indication from the girl on how they would like it.   I think that's an issue all guys have when dating. 

All I can say is.... I wish you luck in trying to figure out women.  LOL.

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Sounds like they are expecting some confidence, and you to take the lead. Taking the lead doesn't mean being aggressive/a jerk/player/rapist. This is where experience comes in....being able to read their body language, slight social cues, and to gauge what course of action to take. Your demeanor and how you carry yourself through the interaction is crucial.

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21 hours ago, Blind-Sided said:

Sorry... I guess I read it backwards.

But you are right... I've been on this forum for a couple years now... and I see it from the girls on both sides.   2 girls will describe the same date... and one will say "He was too aggressive" the other will say "He wasn't aggressive enough".... and there is no indication from the girl on how they would like it.   I think that's an issue all guys have when dating. 

All I can say is.... I wish you luck in trying to figure out women.  LOL.

That's the main issue in most of my encounters with women that always turns such encounters into nearly relationships. They always have pre-conceived expectations which if I don't live up to, they get disappointed and ghost me. Expectations like I'm supposed to chase them while they keep me in limbo about the state of their feelings about me. I like open and honest communications without any ambiguity. But I'm left with just non-specific hints which force me to rely on guesswork. I found out that behavior was taking so much of my mental and emotional energy that I switched off on women to a large extent. I also discovered that most of them seem to making me go into an alpha male contest which I'm not sure I was equipped to win, mentally, emotionally or materially. I try to treat all women with the maximum respect I can muster no matter their line of work. My belief is that all women deserve respect no matter the level of social stigma  attached to their way of life 

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