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How Can I Get Over Her?


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Hey, I have a huge problem!


Im 17/male

Me and this girl (she lives right across from me) have been best friends for 1 year now and we often tell each other we love each other... We have been with each other almost every weekend and every day... so I started to like her but she will NEVER feel the same (I'm sure)...


These last few weeks she has been ignoring me in the class and I even found out that she liked some one else (it made me feel like i wanted to puke, i couldn't eat for 2 days!!) I think im in love with her but I don't want to be!!!


She wrote me a letter today in class telling me she is going out with the guy and that im still her best friend and she's sorry about her moods?


I'm permenently depressed at school, i cant work or talk to people ( I'm usually the crazy guy doing all kinds of stupid things in class and everywhere) And she talks to everyone else but me!! It makes me feel like I wanna die!


I have never had this close friend and I really do love and care for her alot!


PLEASE tell me what I can do? I want to get over her! and still be best friends!!



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You're in the dreaded Friend Zone.


If she's already apologizing to you about her moodiness, then be thankful that you're not romantically involved with her!


Focus on school, your social life and other women. That will help you, and it will also show her that you're not pining after her.

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I totally know what boat you're sinking in.......


The trick to getting over someone is to forget. Now I know you won't completely forget her, but for as much time as you can get her out of your head the better and the more it will come.


I try to find something that I do where I'm focused. Studying is hard because it can get boring and your mind will wander. For me, it's sports. I play a lot of basketball in college with random people in pickup games almost every chance I could. When I'm running the court, I'm not thinking about girl problems, I'm just thinking about winning and having a good time. When I can't play basketball, I play videogames. Videogames can be like a drug man, it puts you in a different world and let's you escape reality. Find a game you really like to play and go nuts with it. I also try to hang out with friends, but try to avoid talking about the girl with them. Tell them briefly your situation that you need to get a girl out of your head, they might try to hook you up with a date or they'll take you out to party some night and get your mind off it. Just keep busy. If you begin focusing on other things and you almost completely forget her, she'll look at you in a different way and if she's worth the trouble she'll realize she likes you for who you are because you do your own thing and you aren't dependent on her. Dont allow her to control how you feel and your daily life.

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She wrote me a letter today in class telling me she is going out with the guy and that im still her best friend and she's sorry about her moods?


On the plus side, she likes you and is willing to make the effort to be your friend. On the minus side, she's not into you romantically. It's up to you whether you see the glass as half full or half empty.


For future reference, your friendships with girls should be honest. If you want more than friendship - don't deceive yourself or them that you're happy with the just friends thing.


In the meantime, distract yourself with other things. Sports, hobbies, self-improvement, etc. And set your sights on other girls.

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