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ls there a way to find out if someone is still on a date site , there's so many sites ?

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looking for someone l lost touch with, nope it's not an ex or a prospect, l'm involved. But we both moved l changed numbers blah blah. l'd need to get in touch with her about something but she's very private no sm or listing.The only person l know that knew her saw her on a date site but don't remember which one they were on piles of them they've since closed.

ls there some way to google or scan a heap of date sites to see if she pops up ? It's the only way left l can think of finding her, everything else come up empty, even reverse image search.


Edited by chillii
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Google first name, last name, last known address, phone number, workplace, etc. Why dating sites? No chance you would find her on dating apps with user names, if you cant find her with the usual first name, last name, last known address, last known workplace, etc. and any combo of that.  

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Thanks for that.

l was hoping her pic might pop up and l'd find her that way. l've done all the rest and nothing, that's the thing. Anyway, it's a long shot l know, can't think of any way left to track her down though.

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