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Do God hate samesex relationships?

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Jaye, lets assume for a second you did believe that your God or any other represented here did think same sex relationships where wrong, bad, sinful, what have you.....would this change your lifestyle? Do you force yourself to be something you are not because religion says your are wrong? I'm not sure if you are looking for validation for you lifestyle choice but I'm guessing no matter the responses you get you will be who you are so why ask?


Don't take this out of context either. My sister is gay and I love her and support her choices. I am a firm believer in live and let live. But I do know that is easier to be supportive of someone when you can see they are confident of their choices and actions.

The Answer is, Yes. i will change.

It'll be hard, maybe i'll still be of checkin guys out but wont touch or even go there. Like priests they don't do women either. i guess its not impossible to change. hard but not impossible. but it all depends on the right answer and believes and proves

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The Answer is, Yes. i will change.

It'll be hard, maybe i'll still be of checkin guys out but wont touch or even go there. Like priests they don't do women either. i guess its not impossible to change. hard but not impossible. but it all depends on the right answer and believes and proves


Jaye, I think you know in yourself what is true to you. It's not easy to make life choices when we want our way. Nothing in life comes easy.

Just remember there are others in your shoes and have made choices.

It is your choice. God gives us a free will and if you ask him for help he will help you. I believe you know this. Trust in him and ask him for his help. It's your decision. No one else's.

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Sadly, the dogmatic masses who view everything in black and white terms will usually bulldoze over the mental agility of those who are open to questioning and (where experience or intellectual discovery demands it) revising their own behaviour, beliefs and desires.
Hmmmm, I have to wonder and question you, Is this an attempt to insult someone in particular Judge garner?
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Jaye, there is no need to change. THERE IS NO VALID BIBLICAL BASIS FOR CONDEMNING HOMOSEXUALITY no matter what people who claim to know the mind of God (which the Bible sternly warns against, BTW) say. Science has determined that sexual preference is most likely something you are born with, so you might as well try to change your eye colour.


Do not allow people who presume to speak for Christ or who interpret the Bible according to their (exceedingly) limited knowledge govern your life.

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The Answer is, Yes. i will change.

It'll be hard, maybe i'll still be of checkin guys out but wont touch or even go there. Like priests they don't do women either. i guess its not impossible to change. hard but not impossible. but it all depends on the right answer and believes and proves


Jaye, I'm not sure I'm really understanding you but if you're implying you should deny who you are so you will be accepted in a Church or by God - Don't do it! Be you and be happy. One can't deny who they are just because of fears. You have a kind heart and I'm sure those who know you, know this about you and will accept you fully.


Yes, you can change but I think you'll be miserable. You won't be living life for you, you'll be living it for someone else and that's not right.

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You need to read more.....that's all there is to it.
(which the Bible sternly warns against, BTW)
How would you know....seems to me you're picking and choosing what works for you, and leaving the truth out of it.
Science has determined that sexual preference is most likely something you are born with,
"most likely".........nice:rolleyes:
Do not allow people who presume to speak for Christ or who interpret the Bible according to their (exceedingly) limited knowledge govern your life.
Practice what you preach!:rolleyes:


Jaye, I'm not trying to ask you to change. I'm trying to ask you to follow your heart. You know what I'm talking about too.

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You need to read more.....that's all there is to it.


So do you MOOSE. Seems to me you've decided that YOUR version of CHRISTIANITY is the ONLY way.

And BTW- how do you know that YOUR INTERPRETATION is the right way? Are you saying that 1 billion muslims are wrong? Do you understand they think the same as you, but have a different version of religion. And how about Hinduism?


Anyone's best best is to be the best person they can be. Be as selfless as possible, do what you can for others, help others grow, put others before yourself, don't cheat, don't lie, don't steal......and if heaven exists- you belong there. If heaven only exists for those who go to confession after they sin every day- I'd rather not have anything to do with it.

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I was thinking that what God loved about King David was his heart, because David had a great love for God and a deep desire to serve God and stand right with God. He made mistakes, yes, lots of them, huge mistakes, but he never stopped believing that God's mercy never ends, God's ability to love knows no boundaries - he knew this.


There are sins of the flesh and sins of the heart, and somehow I believe that the sins of the heart weigh very heavy, because they turn us absolutely opposite God.


I think, Jaye, you are trying hard to get answers, and you've said "I will change," if you came to believe with all your heart that a desire for a relationship with another man was going to stand between you and God, you would change. I think you must have a good heart, and I believe God knows that.


What is that scripture? I can't remember exactly, but something to the effect of if we seek God with all our hearts, if we ask for understanding, God will surely honor that prayer. I hope very much that is exactly what you'll do, because in the end of course it has to be a decision you make based on what you feel.


They say things 'happen for a reason' and I think that is true especially now for you. God is speaking to you. God's wonderful spirit does speak to us. He fights for us - there is a battle for souls in a realm we can't see. I believe that.


Pray about it - - God will show you the answer.

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You need to read more.....that's all there is to it.


I have read it cover to cover - plus the notes added by scholars to explain the context.


How would you know....seems to me you're picking and choosing what works for you, and leaving the truth out of it.


No that's what you do by picking two little passages from all the books of the Bible out of context.


Science has determined that sexual preference is most likely something you are born with,



most likely".........nice


It is. Sexual preference is decided in the womb. Gay men have different brains from straight men. Right there in biology. Of course you'd need to read up on current developments in science to know this...


Jaye, I'm not trying to ask you to change.


Ooooo noooo. Just telling him he's a sinner and God hates sin. That's all. :rolleyes:

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So famous that I doubt there's anyone who hasn't heard of it by now, but just as a reminder of what happens when people blindly obey authority instead of searching within themselves to determine the "right and good" course of action.

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Jaye, I think you know in yourself what is true to you. It's not easy to make life choices when we want our way. Nothing in life comes easy.

Just remember there are others in your shoes and have made choices.

It is your choice. God gives us a free will and if you ask him for help he will help you. I believe you know this. Trust in him and ask him for his help. It's your decision. No one else's.

I understand, whats me is what i know. but am i wrong? thats what i am looking for.

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Jaye, there is no need to change. THERE IS NO VALID BIBLICAL BASIS FOR CONDEMNING HOMOSEXUALITY no matter what people who claim to know the mind of God (which the Bible sternly warns against, BTW) say. Science has determined that sexual preference is most likely something you are born with, so you might as well try to change your eye colour.


Do not allow people who presume to speak for Christ or who interpret the Bible according to their (exceedingly) limited knowledge govern your life.

You are right, i have so many friend they love me for being who i am, then there are those who hate me.

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This whole thing is going to be an utter fiasco !

Listed below are few questions, if i can get answers to.


What is the official Christian teaching about homosexuality?


What is the basis for Christian teaching about the immorality of homogenital acts?


What part does the Bible play in deciding the morality of same-sex acts?


What was the point of the Bible texts if not to condemn homosexuality?


Hasn't there been constant opposition to homosexuality throughout Christian history?


What other considerations about the morality of homogenital acts need to be made?


What options are open to a person who is homosexual and Christian?


Can someone be involved in a lesbian or gay relationship and still be a faithful Christian?


How could someone do what (the Church says) is wrong and not be living in sin?


If there is space for homosexual relationships within Christian teaching, why have bishops expelled Dignity chapters from church property?


Why did Dignity make a public statement challenging the official Christian position?


What did people find harsh and uninformed in that 1986 Vatican letter?


Is Dignity the only ministry to GLBT Christians?


What hope do GLBT have in the future?

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So do you MOOSE. Seems to me you've decided that YOUR version of CHRISTIANITY is the ONLY way.
It is. For me. There's nothing wrong with that. AND, I can believe the rest of you who don't agree with me are wrong, wrong, wrong. That's my right.


The same goes for Jaye, you, and everyone else on the planet.


Some of you just have a problem with not being able to agree to disagree.

No that's what you do by picking two little passages from all the books of the Bible out of context.
Had you read the bible throughout, you'd find a lot more scripture that opposes homosexual activities. Had you read everything else you claim you read, you'd understand what I said is entirely in context.


Can you can show me in scripture where homosexuality is 100% acceptable?


I can show you tons of places where it isn't, and is considered an abomination. Don't expect me to start posting proof of scripture either. You should already know this, if not, do your own work.

It is. Sexual preference is decided in the womb. Gay men have different brains from straight men. Right there in biology. Of course you'd need to read up on current developments in science to know this...

If you had an inkling of intellegience, you'd see that I chose the two words you wrote, "most likely", and changed the font to bold, so you'd understand I was implying that Science isn't an absolute. It never has been. We are very limited in our thinking. Noone on Earth, "knows it all" Outcast. No, not even you.


Even science takes a certain amount of faith.

Ooooo noooo. Just telling him he's a sinner and God hates sin. That's all. :rolleyes:
NO, that isn't all. Yes, I'm telling him he's a sinner, and yes, God hates sin. That doesn't mean that Jaye is going to hell. There's an out and I believe he's searching for it.....you just hate listening to someone that doesn't believe as you do.


Why don't you just let Jaye determine his own route?

I understand, whats me is what i know. but am i wrong? thats what i am looking for.
No at all Jaye. You may do things that are wrong, but so does everyone else on the planet....even the Pope. That's what seperates us from God. I have my way and my Intercessor to Him. That's what makes me different from some of the others on here.
You are right, i have so many friend they love me for being who i am, then there are those who hate me.
Jaye, you're going to have to realize that it's impossible to make everyone like you. It's just not going to happen.


Your relationships with man or woman doesn't matter near as much as your relationship with God.

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What is the official Christian teaching about homosexuality?


Jaye, there are over 50,000 different Christian sects. There is no such thing as THE 'official Christian teaching'. Fifty thousand different groups all interpreting Christianity differently. How can you believe that any man has got it right if FIFTY THOUSAND GROUPS all differ???? They're all Christians. They all believe in Christ. Many of them are as fervent and certain as Moose is that they are right. Yet they all differ in what they fervently believe; their interpretations of what God wants all differ. And that's just groups - they represent hundreds of millions of people.


What is the basis for Christian teaching about the immorality of homogenital acts?


The sects that do believe it quote one passage from Leviticus which they claim means that homosexuality is not God's will, however you MUST READ ALL OF LEVITICUS. Then you must read the scholarship around Leviticus. It was a book of rules written for a specific group at a specific time. Most people ignore all the rules in Leviticus now - but the ones who decided to hate gays keep THAT ONE LITTLE PASSAGE out of the entire book and claim it's still valid.


Or, like Moose, they turn to the New Testament. Again, ONE LITTLE PASSAGE from St. Paul seems to indicate that homosexuality is bad, but again, most of the rest of what St. Paul said is no longer given credence because he was speaking to a certain small group at a certain point in time. For instance, St. Paul said women should not teach. You'll find Christian women teaching and nobody's calling them sinners. But the people who hate gays take the one little passage and say it means that being gay is a sin - but not that being a teacher if you're a woman is!!!


What was the point of the Bible texts if not to condemn homosexuality?


Read the entire books. Don't just look at two lines and think you understand their context. In fact, find yourself a bunch of different Bibles and see how humans have translated the passages VERY differently. And remember the Bible is a collection of books which were not written in English but written thousands of years ago and language changes wildly in a short period of time.


Do you realize that just 30 years ago 'gay' meant 'happy' and 'faggot' meant 'cigarette'? And that translators have lengthy arguments about the meanings of words written this year, much less thousands of years ago? To think that the Bible you read today is THE DEFINITIVE TRANSLATION of those old, old, books written in Hebrew and Greek is dead wrong.


Hasn't there been constant opposition to homosexuality throughout Christian history?


Again, 'Christian history' doesn't exist. There are hundreds of 'Christian' histories. And there has been a lot of ignorant behaviour perpetrated by 'christians' BECAUSE THEY ARE JUST STUPID HUMANS LIKE THE REST OF US. They have persecuted blacks, tortured people, and even killed all in the name of Christ. I imagine Christ is miserable over the hideous acts humans have perpetrated on humans in His name.


But read Christ's words. He says NOTHING about being gay. He preaches love and forgiveness, not hatred and judgement. He says those who judge will be in BIG trouble when they come to be judged.


What options are open to a person who is homosexual and Christian?


As others said, find a Christian sect that is more accepting. Seems to me the United Church used to be the most accepting of the Christian faiths.


Can someone be involved in a lesbian or gay relationship and still be a faithful Christian?




How could someone do what (the Church says) is wrong and not be living in sin?


Again, Jaye, there are FIFTY THOUSAND interpretations of what is 'wrong'. Some churches say DANCING is a sin. Others say drinking anything with caffeine is a sin. If you tried to follow all the rules of all FIFTY THOUSAND churches you'd go mad because they are all different.


If there is space for homosexual relationships within Christian teaching, why have bishops expelled Dignity chapters from church property?


Certain bishops of certain sects.


Is Dignity the only ministry to GLBT Christians?


Probably not. I've never heard of it before but I know GBLT Christians who attend other churches which welcome them.


What hope do GLBT have in the future?


That just as people have come to realize that slavery is wrong, ignorant and stupid (AND IT IS OK IN THE BIBLE TO HAVE SLAVES, BTW - BUT AGAIN - THAT WAS A DIFFERENT TIME AND DIFFERENT WAYS WERE ACCEPTED), they will realize that condemning gays is wrong, ignorant, and stupid.

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What part does the Bible play in deciding the morality of same-sex acts?


You can view the bible as perfection, or you can see it as an ancient text that attempts to convey a history of the world, and is peppered with valuable insights and commentaries on human nature and ethics. A text that was written by human beings who, logic dictates, would have been influenced by their own thoughts and prejudices - as well as by the social mores of their day.


Moose might tell you that the human beings who wrote the bible were passing on the unadulterated word of God to others - untouched by imperfect human thoughts. I can see that some Christians may feel it's necessary to believe that. The bible is, after all, the supporting textbook for Christianity. For other Christians - Outcast, maybe - some texts within the bible may be of more relevance than others. Those Christans may decide that the only viable method of practising Christianity is to live by those scriptures that can be practically applied within today's more tolerant and scientifically aware society.


Nothing I have seen you write on this board indicates that you are anything other than a kind and decent person. I'm sure that your religion plays a large part in that, but I can't see how you bashing yourself over the head with some of the more judgemental aspects of the bible is going to help anyone. Particularly not you. I hope you can find some way of resolving this dilemma, and being able to be your true self whilst at the same time managing to hold onto a faith that is obviously very important to you.

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This is a Prime example of interpretation.


=whichwayisup]So, basically without saying it, what I get you're saying is, that you follow what God thinks, and that is and correct me if I'm wrong, you believe that being gay is wrong. God doesn't love those who are gay and lesbian. He only loves straight people? IS this what you're saying? Or am I misunderstanding and interpretting wrong here...

I didn't get that at all from Moose's post. What I got was Moose saying that God stated that homosexual practices and perhaps homosexuality itself is a sin; and God loves everyone but God doesn't love sin--any sin.



So, the whole reason why men/women ONLY have sex is to procrate. Not for pleasure, just to make babies...NOT to show affection and love. What about those who can't or don't want children? Should they stop having sex because their goal ISN'T to procreate? Doesn't "condem" them to hell, but he is disappointed? Boy, I am so glad I am not into religion because to me, that is total CULT thinking and very unfair. Gays, lesbians are HUMAN BEINGS and I was under the impression God loves everyone, whether one believes in him or not, or has a different lifestyle.
Sex is a condition of procreation (well, until test-tube babies but even that involves the sexual organs) and God said something about "go forth and procreate" but God also said "cleve only unto thee" (meaning the spouse). That doesn't sound like God saying not to have sex if a couple doesn't want children. Affection and love have nothing to do with sex. Sex is a biological function.


The scripture is one thing, you believe in that - But saying in our physiological makup? Does that mean people who have mental illness, who are born with ADD, retarded, etc., are any different than anybody else? Why does it all come down to who we fall inlove with? Who we go to bed with? Doesn't God want everybody to be happy? TO find happiness with someone they can fully love? WHO cares if he falls inlove with a guy, or if she falls inlove with a woman...LOVE is LOVE. Sex is an expression of love too, not only to make babies.
We are not talking about health conditions - but the fact that two men or two women cannot produce children together. We are all products of biological donations from a man and a woman.



HOW DO YOU KNOW what he thinks/feels? Did he tell you? My stomach is churning right now because it's very unfair and cruel to believe in such a thing. So a man who is gay, woman a lesbian, both are amazing people, have wonderful careers, a loving family, friends...Are basically told that God doesn't like your behaviour because you're gay/lesbian...Forget the facts the people are good, honest and caring...Do good deeds in life...But because of their sexual preference all of that changes? WTF!
I think that Moose does hear God (am I right Moose?) just like others who believe in God can hear or feel God's words and His love for them; and also because they read the Bible which they believe IS God's words guiding them (the rule book or instruction manual)



So it's selfish to become gay. Uncontrollabe urges to become gay. It isn't following the instruction manual? That's a bunch of bulls***. Sorry, but it is. There were people who were gay in the older centuries, they just kept it quiet. They lied about it. They hid who they were because of fears ... They pretended to be something they weren't...Is that right? Just for the sake of God? In my beliefs, people should be who they are - Be proud and be happy.
Urges and instinct and our ability to control them, shape them, base decions upon them are what separates us from other animals. If you want to use other analogies then I could say that if I'm in a store and see something I want really really bad and I steal it without pausing to think if I'm commiting a crime or a sin is selfish. Would you agree?


You're saying too, that this instruction manual - Has our life planned out for us? Is that what you mean too? I don't believe that one bit. We have choices in life, our paths, our life experiences are not planned by God. If I turn left blahblahblah happens...If I turn right blahblah happens. Two different situations, two different experiences. Both could be good, one could be bad, or both be bad. BUT God did not plan out MY instincts or my choice! Or what is inside my heart!
We have choices, yes. But don't many people believe that God knows what we will do? He does have our lives planned for us. He knows what experiences we will have. He knows our choices because he gave them to us.
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For other Christians - Outcast, maybe - some texts within the bible may be of more relevance than others.


Actually, if you do a study of world religions (including non-Christian ones) you'll see that they do all agree on two points; you're supposed to honour some sort of Other (could be universal consciousness, God, whatever - something greater than humanity) and that you're supposed to be good to your fellow-humans.


Therefore it seems to me that those two principles are pretty good ones to govern one's life by.

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I do believe that there is one set of rules, and I don't think they're open to interpretation. I do however think that people should be allowed to act under their own free will and if they chose another religion or another interpretation, that is their choice. And in the interpretation I believe is correct, God is the only one who can say whether or not someone is going to hell. He didn't give us that information, because it's not our decision to make. He only gave us a guide for how we can be close to him ourselves and guide others to Him as well, not one to judge others by.


I'm confused. You say that you don't think the rules are open to interpretation and then you go on to say that people should be allowed to choose another interpretation; and "the interpretation I believe is correct"

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I think that Moose does hear God (am I right Moose?) just like others who believe in God can hear or feel God's words and His love for them; and also because they read the Bible which they believe IS God's words guiding them (the rule book or instruction manual)


That's all well and fine but they all hear God saying something different, Hokey. And people like David Koresh also were fervent in their beliefs and also 'heard God'. No human on this planet can guarantee that what he thinks he has 'heard' is really God or is something produced in their own brain.


Do you think Koresh heard God and that it was God who told him to kill his followers?


God loves everyone but God doesn't love sin--any sin


That's not the question. The question is what does God consider a sin? If you read the entire Bible, you'll find thousands of things were considered sins by HUMANS who thought they understood God's will but are not considered sins now or not by all 'christians'. Like I said before, some faiths consider dancing a sin and will quote a chunk of the Bible to support it because that is their particular interpretation of that chunk of Bible where others do not believe that's what that chunk means. And so goes the entire Bible. If you want a literal list of sins you have the Ten Commandments where homosexuality is definitely not mentioned.

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I didn't get that at all from Moose's post. What I got was Moose saying that God stated that homosexual practices and perhaps homosexuality itself is a sin; and God loves everyone but God doesn't love sin--any sin.

Replace the word SIN with WRONG. It's the SAME thing Hokey, I just don't word it like you do but meaning is the same.


I don't have it in me today to post my thoughts but this whole post seems like it's confusing Jaye more than anything. Each of us have different thoughts/feelings on this subject and at the end of that day it is what is inside Jaye's heart that counts.

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Jaye doesn't know what's inside his heart, or rather he thinks he needs to listen to an outside source to determine his own behaviour and it needs to be pointed out that there is no such thing as a single definitive outside source upon which he can rely.


Which may then assist him in rejecting this path and determining to follow his own conscience.

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I am lost, no really, I am litterly lost.

Look around you, and I am talking to everyone reads this post.

All the problems in the world occur because of the holy book and believing it in different ways.

Began with 1 Adam, Everyone is Adam’s Family; we’re suppose to be like brothers and sisters, me, wichwayisup, Outcast, Lindya, moose and all of us. Now we have Christians, Muslims, Jewish, Buddha, and so many more. And not just all that, we break them down.

We have Catholics, Orthodox, Christians, Mormons and more.

What was Adam’s religion? What purpose did he have on this planet?

In Christians today we have so many sects and different believes, of course Jesus didn’t want this to happen.

One Jesus, One Bible, One God and so many believes. I am really lost.

Did God wanted us to be lost, In his name kill each other? Judge and hate each other?

I mean I think we have no right to judge and hate or to kill anyone in his name, that’s not why we are here, Its God’s Job, I leave that to him, he is strong enough to change people and turn them and twist them which ever way he wants.

Why can’t we just have one answer that fits all, Of course not. That’s impossible. I feel bad looking at these posts, and I’m saying to myself, who I should believe and at what base?

And based on Moose’s Believes I think not many people God really loves now a day.

May God forgive all of you and me too.

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Jaye, God gave us free will so He's not about to

change people and turn them and twist them which ever way he wants.


And based on Moose’s Believes I think not many people God really loves now a day


Well why listen to Moose? Because he claims to 'hear God'? I think I've gotten messages from God a few times but I would never presume to say that it was absolutely for sure God who sent the answer to me because I cannot possibly be positive that it wasn't just my own thinking.


My belief is that God loves everyone and understands our mistakes. He also knows that He didn't give us anything like 'the definitive set of rules for human behaviour' and has left us to sort it out for ourselves, which clearly we're not doing all that well.


I think some people try to make God into their image so they picture God disliking the sorts of people they dislike; it gives them comfort and the ability to maintain their prejudices. However, Jaye, you know beyond knowing that no human being can be certain that he has fully understood God because our very human failings are always present. The people I distrust the most are those so certain they know God that they refuse to admit their own human frailty may be influencing what they believe.


You just have to spend some time in the company of a schizophrenic who is ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that the FBI is tapping his phone to realize that our minds can be very powerful in persuading us that things which don't exist do exist and that things which may be objectively utterly outrageous are fact.

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I am lost, no really, I am litterly lost.

Look around you, and I am talking to everyone reads this post.

All the problems in the world occur because of the holy book and believing it in different ways.


I'm sorry that you're so lost. It must be horrible to feel this way. Jaye, all of us have our beliefs and obviously many here have similar view and many have different views. The answers you're looking for will come to you, when you're ready. I believe that. Sometimes it takes a crisis or even something wonderful to happen, but it will come to you. Either in a religious way or a personal way. I DO have faith in that.


Began with 1 Adam, Everyone is Adam’s Family; we’re suppose to be like brothers and sisters, me, wichwayisup, Outcast, Lindya, moose and all of us. Now we have Christians, Muslims, Jewish, Buddha, and so many more. And not just all that, we break them down.

We have Catholics, Orthodox, Christians, Mormons and more.

What was Adam’s religion? What purpose did he have on this planet?


It's understanding eachother as humans, we have desires, needs to be heard, to be accepted and cherised by others. Religious or not, humans have basic needs at the end of the day. We all want security, a safe place, someone to love and someone to love us back. I hope you get what I'm saying here...


In Christians today we have so many sects and different believes, of course Jesus didn’t want this to happen.

One Jesus, One Bible, One God and so many believes. I am really lost.

Did God wanted us to be lost, In his name kill each other? Judge and hate each other?


You are right, so what is one to believe and have faith in? Look at how many religions there are, and each are different.


Why can’t we just have one answer that fits all, Of course not. That’s impossible. I feel bad looking at these posts, and I’m saying to myself, who I should believe and at what base?


It is impossible, it's sad that it can't happen that way. Don't feel bad reading these posts because we're just giving you different sides to read, to relate to, so it can help you get to a more settled place inside. I don't think it comes down to he's right, she's wrong etc., but take abit of what everyone says and base it on what you feel is right for you. Go with your gut.


May God forgive all of you and me too.


Thanks for that, but I don't believe either of us needs to be forgiven. As I said in another post, you're a good person Jaye and I hope in time you find what makes you happy. Not what others want you to do, what YOU want, remember that is what counts right now.


I just help we're helping more than confusing you. My thoughts are with you, keep posting Jaye.

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