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Help. This is really killing me...around her I just get overwhelmed with love for her.....

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Okay, I've never posted anything like this, but I'm tired of hearing my friends tell me what I wanna hear so, here goes...

Okay, I'm a 16 year old guy, and I met this younger girl in July named Jessica. Within minutes of meeting her, it was like we'd known eachother for years. We could talk about anything, and she instantly became one of my best friends. When I met her, she was dating my best friend's brother, so "going for it" was never an option... So I happily settled for "brother and sister" as we say. After the two of them broke up, I recognized that I had a chance since she and I were so close, but for the most part, she was like my little sister, so I didn't really go for it. After a while, I thought I might have started to "like" her, but because we were such good friends, I didn't wanna gamble anything... Then she started going out with a guy who's 5 years older than her (graduated last year, shes now a freshman), and lives an hour away. She fell for him hard and fast, and it was around this time that I did the same for her. At this point, we'd hug eachother all the time, and kiss eachother on the head, and tell eachother we love one another. But shes just completely head over heels for him. The real problem has been lately though... Lately she's seemed distant, mostly from school stress, but I've noticed that shes different with me than she is with a lot of other people. With other people, shes much "perkier", its especially noticable in the sexual jokes she makes (she makes a lot of sexual jokes with all my friends around me, but never me). I talked to her about how she's seemed distant, and she told me that she can't joke with me like she can with other people. She didn't know why, either. But with me, she definately seems more confined. What should I make of this? What should I do? I think if I told her how I felt now, things would get weird, because shes so in love with the other guy, and doing what we do might suddenly seem like shes "leading me on". I can't just let this go, either, because everytime I'm around her I just get overwhelmed with love for her..... *sigh* Anyway, I'd really appreciate any thoughts or advice.

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She does not go into the danger zone with you such as " sex topics " because she does not want to be in that zone with you.


Sorry to say.


But if she talks to everyone about sex except you, thats because she does not feel comfortable with the sex stuff around you.


It could be slightly likely that she sees you as a prospect and respects you. Its also likely she is not seeing you in the romantic light you want her to.


Time will tell.

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Maybe she doesn't feel comfortable with it because she really doe sliek you. Girls always get nervous about what they are going to say when they're around someone they like. but try not to think about it while she's with this other guy. Although he sounds wayyyy to old for her. See if that lasts. if it doesn't, you may have a chance.

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Well, I guess I stretched one thing. She DOES still make sexual jokes with me(we do a lot of that in my circle of friends. Yeah, we're perverts lol). And she seems perfectly comfortable with it, I mean, they're just as funny to both of us as they were. But she doesn't do it nearly as much, and theres some things she "can't do with me," as she said. Like she'll go up to someone and pretend to hump them, but she can't do stuff like that with me. But we've had trouble just talking too. It always seems so awkward... I haven't had a real conversation with her for some time... I mean, I never know what to talk about... I really don't know if she'd like me back, I mean, she's head over heels for the guy. I've always disapproved of her going out with him, and before they started dating, I always warned her that she'd miserable the 5 or 6 days of the week that she doesn't see him. I'm pretty sure she knows that I've always disapproved of it, do you think that'd bother her? Because I don't get why it's just me. I mean, we have a tight group of friends: me and 3 friends my age (juniors), and her, who's always been the little sister of the group. She and I have always been really close, but all of a sudden shes so distant. Again, its only me. I don't see how I can suddenly slip out of her comfort zone... Right now, what I'm gonna do is, for the most part, avoid her for the rest of the week, then I go out of town this weekend... So after all that, I'll see if shes any better. After that, I'd like to try and spend some time with her alone, but I don't know how I'd do that, ya know, what we'd do or talk about.... Any advice on that would help lol And any more thoughts would be really nice too, thanks for the insights so far.

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