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Should I be jelouse, worried or just what?

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Im married to the love of my life. Im 25 and she's 23.

We have a good relationship, we've been togeather 5 years. About a year ago when I was'nt treating her so good she left me for another girl that she met at work "a lezbian" and she did this behind my back when i thought we were still togeather, but of coarse once I found out she let me know for sure it was over and I could'nt touch her or anything yet we still lived togeather. This went on for just 2 months and she came to her sences and told me I was who she wanted to be with and blamed it on the way i treated her plus being curiouse, and since in her mind we werent togeather it wasnt cheating.

so anyhow it was a short 2 month scar in our relationship and we are even closer now than we've ever been, madly in love ect..

Except during this 2 month thing when i was trying my hardest to get her back like this time in the bathroom I was like saying honey please dont do this, things can work out between us and she said (while were both crying) "I don't think I can, I think im a lezbian" and in my mind im just like no fu!@ing way, this can't be, the love of my life that i've been with for 4 years, the girl Im going to grow old with is thinking she's a lezbian, it was the worst feeling ever, and just the thought of it being true, oh my god it SUCKED so bad, im like honey your not a lezbian if anything your bi-sexual, lezbians would'nt even entertain the thought of being with another guy, so she looked up on the internet to some lezbian forums and asked some questions and they were like no way your not a lezbian cause she likes "male parts" as well, but was totally prefering "femal parts".

So anyhow like i say, it's been a year, we are better than ever, things are good, were totally growin old togeather, have 2 kids togeather ect..

However when were in bed layin side by side touching eachother , just doing 4-play stuff, it totally turns her on when I do these fantasy things, where I basiclly just tell her a sexy story for her to imagine, and what gets her wetter quicker than anything and what does she prefer the story to be about, you guessed it, her doing something with another girl, and I damned good at doing my stories and giving her the fantasy, but like it would'nt even be worth doing unless it's about her and another girl, like she likes the fact she's touching me as we are talking but she sure would'nt want the fantacy to be about me, a guy/male parts ect.. even though before the lezbian I would give her fantasies about me and her and she would like it, but now that she's got to experiance another girl thats what she likes to fantasize about, it just turns her on more.

I mean we dont do this fantasy thing all the time, but we do have sex alot and do 4-play alot and we both have no problems having orgasms, we time them togeather ect..

But the fact that she gets soooo turned on by the thought of another girl do you guys think this is something I have to worry about, I know she would never cheat on me with another girl, however she would be down with having a 3-some with another girl cause, well basiclly she loves vagina just as much as I do, is this normal, is it ok for a girl to actually like the thought of vagina more than penis? Like even though i feel secure sometimes in the back of my mind i think like "jeeze i sure hope she isnt really a lezbian"

It kinda makes me feel like im not so satisfying to her, even though i can get her off easy. i just dont know, im confused.

I guess if i had to narrow this down to a question it would be "is it normal/ok for a girlfriend or wife to actually be more turned on by a girl than you?" like if they just think it's kinkier and sexier and just like vagina more than a plain ol' penis? I mean i agree with her, like she'll say things like jokingly "look at it, just a hard horny penis" with a smile on her face, and i agree, a penis is kinda boring, a vagina is awsome, it is better than a penis, you guys know what i mean.

So, I dunno, she pretty much thinks of a penis like i do, although it does turn her on to some extent. But yea, vagina is better and she thinks so as well.


Gosh i dont even know what my question is about this, i guess just feedback and or an answer to a question if anyone can make one from my post would be helpfull. Im kinda hoping for a simple "yea some chicks are like that" or "yea she can be bi-sexual and like vagina more than penis but still be totally in love with you and still be perfectly happy with you"


Thats all,

Thanks for any input.

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Ehh she sounds way weird. I mean, not in a way that this never happens to anyone else, but well ya know, weird in the not-so-traditional kinda way. These kind of relationships only work if both partners are completely comfortable with this lifestyle; which is obviously not your case ... So well, I don't think you can change her, so unless you become 100% comfortable about this, I think you got a problem there ...

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I think you are in denial. How could you possibly say she would never cheat on you with another girl? This is exactly who she will probably cheat on you with. She is bi-sexual and gets turned on thinking of being with another woman and you have been playing to her fantasies because she has done this with another girl and likes it. I think most bi-sexuals truly need to continue to play both sides which is why she is encouraging you to engage in a threesome. My guess is that it will be a matter of time before she is with another woman with or without your knowledge. You will not be able to change her.

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I understand what you are both saying, but since im the one in the relationship, I know that it's not "that extreme" she just likes the thought of a vagina rather than a penis. But isnt a lezbian and she is perfectly happy with me. Vagina turns us both on, i guess she's just smart =) who wouldnt like vagina more than penis. i guess she just knows whats up, it's just too bad in a way, but hey, my parts still satisfy her so it's all good, and the fact that she likes vagina turns me on as well, i guess it's good and bad at the same time. Like I dont think I would like it if she DIDN'T like vagina, I think it's totally cool that she does and actually prefer she does, I just wish it was 50/50 isntead of 70/30 as a ratio of vagina to penis. As far as a threesome, thats not something she talks about, thats something i soley think about and would actually probably like to see and I know she would be cool with it.

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