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clarifying the "don't ignore this post"

angel eyes

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No i don't have a problem having my guy to walk and eat with another girl,the problem is that this particular girl is trying to get between my guy and me.in fact he just told her that we are pretty serious and she still likes to find a way to be extra nice to him and mean to me. i used to talk to her and everything but she just seems to dislike me and now has implied to my guy that if it wasn't for me she would probably be dating him.


My guy felt upset about her and told me that he would talk to her to back her off because everybody has seen that she wants to bother me and is jealous that i'm dating this guy.i didn't get upset about my guy walking or eating with another girl,is that how can she get in her little head that im with him and she shouldn't be seeing me as her rival cause my guy never dated her or even wants her. I got upset cause i felt that he didn't tell her right away to stay away from us. he's doing everything he can to avoid her and trust me i wasn't the one to tell him to stay away from her .


he just like everybody else noticed the weird way she's been acting it is mainly his decision and i can't help but feel bad that after being nice to this girl she backstabs me trying to go after my guy or acting rude to me.

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you both have obviously made the best decision in pushing this meddling chick out of your lives. it's a very good thing you have a boyfriend who knows where his loyalties lie, which is with you.


don't worry about this girl anymore. she will soon get the message loud and clear, and she is not worth the time and effort worrying about, especially now that you know your boyfriend wants her to back off.


she's not a threat, so don't worry about it. carry on with life as usual, and let her make a fool out of herself and don't give her the satisfaction of a reaction from you.

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